Our Revolution’s theory of change is unique. We strongly believe that grassroots organizing and electoral mobilization must be combined with an inside strategy to transform the Democratic Party to win structural progressive change. That means staying focused on winning concrete victories to level the playing field for progressives insurgents who are running against corporate-financed politicians backed by the Democratic establishment. We are one week out from the Democratic National Convention. Can you chip in here to help Our Revolution continue to empower our incredible local groups to keep up our streak of endorsed progressive candidate victories? Our two recent victories at the DNC are so important for progressives. Our Revolution Board Board Members Larry Cohen and Jane Kleeb helped pass a historic DNC Convention Rules Committee vote to continue the party reforms we won in 2018 through the next presidential cycle. That means limiting the power of Superdelegates from stacking the deck against progressive contenders and making sure that party policies expand voter participation. This might seem like inside baseball — but it’s a critical part of continuing the work that Bernie Sanders started. In the United States, unlike any other democracy, we define our politics by our candidates. Even on the Left, we talk about movement building and organizing yet often are addicted to candidates and ignore the rules — especially when it comes to the rules inside the Democratic Party.
Our victory here should be a wake-up call about what’s possible in terms of building and changing the Democratic Party. The 39 state party chairs that supported the reform proposal recognize that democracy and change inside the party is just as important as democracy outside the party. Democrats can’t claim to be the voting rights party and then restrict voting in primaries. State Party chairs Ken Martin (Minn.), Jane Kleeb (Neb.), Tina Podlodowski (Wash.), and Trav Robertson (S.C.) led the effort to mobilize state chairs to support the rules resolution that we ultimately passed. They are committed to party building at every level. As we saw in the Rules Committee, we can organize and make a difference. We can demand that the rules on unaffiliated voters joining the party are enforced in New York and other states. We can put limits on corporate and other big money influence in the party structure. We can better focus on one-party districts, realizing that many of the rules are designed to protect incumbents who benefit greatly from corporate contributions. We can demand that Senate Democrats govern and not hide behind the filibuster. We can build state parties from the bottom up, controlled by county organizations that are truly precinct-based, with fair internal elections. We can organize for progressive state party platforms like those adopted in many states that support issues like Medicare for All and then build the progressive caucus in that state to hold candidates accountable on our issues. What we can’t do is wait for the next Bernie Sanders and expect them to do it for us. Pitch in here to help Our Revolution continue to do the deep organizing within the Democratic party necessary to make the nominating process fair for progressives who don’t rely on corporate contributions to fund their campaigns!
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In addition to our big win on superdelegates, Our Revolution helped win a key fight to make the Democratic platform more progressive. Recently, we mobilized to get the DNC Platform Committee to adopt bold new climate change provisions that commit the party to end subsidies for fossil fuels and keeping global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius. Our Revolution members helped deliver over 30,000 petition signatures to the DNC, urging passage of the resolution, which was recommended by the DNC Council on the Environment and Climate Crisis — chaired by Our Revolution Michigan’s Michelle Deatrick. Pitch in here to help Our Revolution continue to do the outside and inside organizing necessary to create the pressure necessary to make the Democratic Party platform more progressive and accountable to the will of the voters! Thank you for all that you do, The whole team at Our Revolution 