John --
Good afternoon and welcome to our Weekend Update!
The entire nation received welcome news this week, as 1.8 million
jobs were added last month. The chart below indicates payroll job
losses and gains during the pandemic to date. We are witnessing a
Great American comeback. Click
here to read more.

But there is more work to do. Unfortunately, Democrats
refused to come together on a recovery plan, instead choosing their
recession to Election Day plan.
That is why President Trump has taken matters into his own hands by
issuing four executive orders to support workers, students and bolster
our economy during the ongoing pandemic.
- $400 weekly federal unemployment aid
- Assistance to renters and homeowners by providing temporary
financial assistance who are experiencing hardships
- Payroll Tax holiday defers payments from September 1 to December
31, 2020.
- Extension of student loan relief
While I would have preferred these measures would have passed U.S.
Congress, it is clear the Democratic leadership is more intent on
playing politics than supporting American families.
President Trump was forced to take these actions as it became clear
that Democratic leaders were not willing to move hardly at all from
their $3.4 trillion wish list. Their plan included a full extension of
the $600 unemployment supplement to the end of the year (at a time
when many small businesses need those employees to come back to work),
a trillion-dollar state bailout to cover costs not related to the
pandemic, a Federal takeover of elections, stimulus checks to illegal
immigrants and providing SALT tax deductions to the wealthy primarily
in states with high tax rates. Any new plan must be about economic
recovery, safely getting our children back to school and finding a
President Donald Trump has been leading the fight against Covid-19
and this week he has taken a number of steps to help us today and in
the future. One of the biggest vulnerabilities our nation has faced
during the Covid-19 pandemic is our reliance and dependence on other
countries for our goods and services. Due to years of unfair trade
deals, many key industries relocated their manufacturing and jobs
offshore. For years, our nation has been far too reliant on other
nations to produce key goods and services, including most of our
To help correct these issues, President Trump has taken bold
actions, like negotiating a new North American trade deal, the USMCA.
This week, President Trump took additional steps to help
put the needs and interests of Americans first. He signed an executive
order to expand “Made in America” production, bring manufacturing jobs
back to the United States, and ensure that our citizens have access to
the life-saving medicines they need. Here are a few
things the new order will accomplish:
Establish “Buy American” rules for Federal Government
Strip away regulatory barriers to domestic
pharmaceutical manufacturing
Help spark the manufacturing technologies needed to
keep drug prices low and move more medicine production onshore
President Trump has done more
to help bring industries back to our soil and put Americans back to
work than any other President in modern history.
This week, the Department of Health and Human Services released a
report on surprise billing and the steps Congress must take to ensure
price and quality transparency in healthcare. All Americans have the
right to know the cost of their healthcare before they receive it.
Ending surprise billing will lead to a fairer, more transparent
healthcare system. Thankfully, President Trump and his Administration
are leading on this issue. Now it is time for Congress to pass
legislation to implement these principles and empower patients with
greater choice and accountability.
This week, I joined with other members of the PA Republican
Congressional Delegation to release a statement in light of reports
that Governor Wolf has not yet spent $73 million of the $104 million
Pennsylvania received through the Governor’s Emergency Education
Relief Fund created by the CARES Act.
Governor Wolf's failure to allocate this funding is incredibly
shortsighted, limits educational opportunities for millions of
Pennsylvania students and adds uncertainty to an already challenging
time for students, parents, educators, and administrators. This news
is particularly disturbing in light of the Governor’s calls for
Congress to spend trillions in additional taxpayer dollars. The
Governor needs to immediately release these already appropriated
federal funds to ensure a safe learning environment for our students
and educators.
The November election is approaching quickly and there is nothing
more important than reelecting President Trump. As a Pennsylvania
Congressional Co-Finance Chair for the Trump Campaign, I want you to
know that I am a resource for those county party and Trump
organizations within the 9th District and outside. I am
available to speak at any gathering big or small to help ensure we win
in November. Please feel free to contact our campaign at [email protected] or
call Mike Barley at 717-576-6733.
Additionally, we have yard signs arriving. If you would like a yard
sign, please contact our campaign by emailing [email protected].
I hope everyone enjoys a great weekend with family and friends.

Dan Meuser