There’s been a lot of numbers thrown around about our race, so I wanted to do a quick recap:

Cory Gardner and GOP groups are spending $24.8 million to defeat our campaign. That includes launching nasty attacks against me, false ads to prop up my opponent, and a massive voter outreach program to keep this seat red.

Republicans are outspending us 2:1 and Gardner has double the cash-on-hand. There’s no telling what sort of last-minute attack the GOP could pull on our race with that kind of cash.

A new poll shows us within single digits of Cory Gardner. We’re down to the wire and cutting it close.

Our race is the best shot Democrats have to flip a seat blue and take back the Senate. But unless we raise the funds we need to win against the GOP’s massive attack machine, we can kiss that chance goodbye.

Please, rush a donation of $10 or more to help us overcome the attacks, flip this Senate seat, and end Mitch McConnell’s majority.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Cory Gardner might have billionaires and right-wing special interests to bankroll his campaign. But I have you. And I know that if we dig deep and give it our all, we’ll win this race.

Thank you for your support,
