I am officially filed as a City Council candidate and ready to go. Join me and together we can bring back our farmers market, prioritize locally owned business with lower permitting fees, end the ban on cannabis dispensaries and build the only park for disabled children within an hour's drive from here.  I am, however going to continue to use these emails to primarily talk about national and international issues.


American Canyon needs to end the ban on recreational cannabis dispensaries. Do you realize that there is nowhere in all of Napa County that allows recreational dispensaries, even though Prop 64 passed here with over 60% of the vote? We voted for it. Our elected officials deny us anyway. Could it have something to do with the influence of the wine industry? The beer & wine industry has spent A LOT of money to try to stop cannabis legalization, in California and elsewhere. Why? Cannabis is a lot less addictive than alcohol, doesn't permanently damage your liver and never makes people get angry and violent.

Never influenced by the wine industry or any other big donors.

The US Constitution gives the federal government the authority to mint it's own currency. In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act created a central bank, run by the 12 most powerful and influential banks and gave away the authority to mint money to this central bank.

When we talk about our country having debt, we do not need to borrow money from China or England, to print money. Congress controls the purse, so when Congress says "spend" a message is sent to the Fed, which creates the money. Congress spends it into the economy, and after cycling around the economy, it eventually returns in the form of taxes.

The money that didn't come back as taxes (the money hoarded by the very wealthy) gets made up by selling Treasury Bonds. So the budget ALWAYS balances. But Treasury Bonds get paid back at interest, which accounts for federal debt.

So here's the $64 million question: Why do we need the Federal Reserve to mint money, rather than the Department of the Treasury? We have a currency system where, instead of the Dept. of Treasury creating $5 trillion for Covid bailouts and being even, the Fed creates the money and LENDS it to us at interest. The Federal Reserve Act was created because deposits weren't insured. The FDIC was created by the 1933 Banking Act.

So if you were someone like Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, you make money every time Congress spends. Because ALL Congressional spending is done through appropriations this way, not taxes. So when the government bailed out the banks (yes, JP Morgan was one of them) the Fed (banks) created a bunch of money and then gave it to themselves. They of course had to repay the money (after they had used that money to make even more money) but then when it came time for the government to repay the Treasury Bonds, the banks profited off the interest, too.

And I haven't even TOUCHED on how the Fed manipulates interest rates for these bankers profit and the profit of wealthy shareholders. People on the left and on the right seem to agree on this, although it doesn't get a lot of press coverage because it isn't exciting and sexy, but there is no reason for this country to LOSE money when we create money. It is LONG past time to end the Federal Reserve and give the authority to mint currency back to the Dept of Treasury where it belongs.

Here is Sen. Chris Murphy from Connecticut casually talking about how the McResistance (Democrats) joined Trump and Republicans in trying to coup Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.
Yemen before and after bombing. What a world we could have if helping people were profitable and hurting people were not.
In one somewhat lengthy sentence, Bill Clinton seems to a lot of people to have just acknowledged Obama, Bush, Pelosi, Hoyer, Clyburn all rigging the 2020 primary. This was legal, but it wasn't fair. They cheated Bernie again. Republicans cheat too. The Bushes were in on this.

These are the neoliberal forces of greed and neverending war. They don't care about stopping Trump, they only cared about stopping Bernie and the movement. They were so against what we stand for that they cheated to stop us! And Joe Biden is their guy. These are the guys that, after they screw you, they say "But we're basically on the same side, right? You gotta vote blue because the other guy's your real enemy."
Please listen to this podcast. Open Vallejo is doing some of the best investigative journalism in the Northern California right now. This episode is of special interest to everyone. One of the officers investigated is teaching police tactics at Napa Valley College, where police from all over the area have trained.
Voting on the war budget and amendments, Rep. Omar introduced an amendment to accelerate our withdrawal from Afghanistan. Half the House Democrats voted against it and it failed. But guess what? Mike Thompson voted yes! And I think he deserves some credit for that. Thank you Congressman Mike Thompson!
Thank you, Food Is Free Solano and Faith FOOD Fridays and Benjamin Buggs & Mary Ann Buggs. This is beautiful! This is about a mile from my house.
When you're supporting someone with a lifelong record of corruption and racism and disastrous policy, the truth sounds like a partisan attack. Speak truth about Trump, you are assumed to support Biden. Speak truth about Biden you are assumed to support Trump. Newsflash: there are millions of people who reject both. Pictured are Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, a neo-Nazi who Joe Biden helped install before the US transferred over a billion dollars to a country known for corruption, and walked away with his unqualified son holding a $50k/month job at a Ukrainian fracking company.
What is wrong with the Democratic Party? I have said that elected Democrats don't oppose Trump. That's true. The truth is Democratic leadership opposes their own voters. They oppose YOU. Want an end to the 19 year Afghan War, that is 9 years past it's mission of killing Osama bin Laden? Elected Democrats oppose that. Want to legalize cannabis? A naturally occurring medicine that is less harmful and less addictive than alcohol, and has been used by police to target people of color? Too bad! Elected Democrats oppose that. Want Medicare For All, like the rest of the modern world? Too bad! Elected Democrats oppose that.

Yes, Democrats can't even agree to put Medicare For All onto a non-binding platform. Medicare For All, a program talked about by FDR and a platform plank of Truman, this is not a new idea. And it will save us trillions of dollars on healthcare. Some (uninformed) opponents say that it will damage our economy. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, studies show that it will CREATE jobs in the healthcare industry, not to mention less sick days at work, if you're able to get the antibiotics or other medicines that you need.

Single payer systems are working all across Europe. Again (uninformed) opponents will cite individual systemic problems in UK's NHS as proof, but NHS has other systemic issues and Ministers that are trying to sabotage it so they can sell it. They will say that you can't compare Germany's system with the US because Germany only has 87 million people and the US has much more, but single payer is all across Europe, and the combined population of Europe is twice our population. So don't tell me it can't work! That's bull shit. Lies told to protect a for-profit system that preys on the sick and the weak.

It's disgusting to oppose healthcare for all, especially in a pandemic, when 30 million people have lost their jobs and the flaws of employer-based healthcare have been exposed. Elected Democrats want to give all those 30 million people the WORST POSSIBLE HEALTHCARE because they aren't protecting their constituents, they're protecting their donors. And it's vile that Joe Biden said he would veto Medicare For All during a pandemic. That's all you need to see to know who he's working for. Hint: it ain't you!

If and when Democrats win elections, it will be either because they were champions of progressive change or it will be because the Republican was a bigger piece of last week's diapers than they are. This is why Joe Biden can be winning in polls while inspiring no one.
People really have to stop thinking Democrat vs Republican. Both of them are on the same side. The reality is that it's the rich vs everybody else. And both Democrats and Republicans work for the rich. Until mainstream voters see this, things aren't going to get better.
As always, this campaign is 100% grassroots.

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Jason Kishineff for Congress 2018 · 100 Via Belagio · American Canyon, Ca 94503 · USA

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