In exactly one month, Annie’s opponent will be selected, and it is game on. Trump has his eye on her seat, and as soon as her opponent is decided, d
Annie Kuster for Congress

Annie’s primary is exactly one month from TODAY!

Help us show her Republican opponent what they are up against by helping us get 300 donations today.


In exactly one month, Annie’s opponent will be selected, and it is game on.

Trump has his eye on her seat, and as soon as her opponent is decided, dark money will rush into New Hampshire to make an attempt to flip Annie’s seat. We need to start preparing for their attacks now!

Will you help us show our soon-to-be contender that Annie’s seat is not going to be an easy steal by helping us get 300 donations by midnight?

Right now, the Granite State is in Annie’s caring hands. If it flips red this year, we can expect our public lands to be decimated and crooked politics to take her place. Show our eventual GOP opponent how important it is to you that we keep Granite State values in Congress by rushing in a donation now!

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$5 $15 $25
$50 $100 Other

Thank you for having Annie’s back,
Kuster HQ


Annie has established a record of putting aside party politics to focus on the issues that matter most to Granite Staters. She's worked with members of both parties to prioritize job creation and economic opportunity, and support New Hampshire veterans, women, students and seniors.


Paid for by Annie Kuster for Congress

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Annie Kuster, PO Box 1498 Concord, NH, 03302