
In a new statement from CBPP President, Bob Greenstein, on the Trump Administration’s Executive Actions addressing COVID-19 relief, he writes:

“President Trump’s new executive actions should deeply concern all Americans. They fall dramatically short of responding effectively to the enormous need across the country due to COVID-19 and the deep recession.

And, by bypassing Congress on major budget and tax decisions and trying to override federal laws on the use of federal funds, they weaken our democracy by shredding longstanding norms of governance and potentially violating the Constitution.

That we have reached this point is a national tragedy. The executive actions raise serious legal issues and may not withstand legal challenge. Nor is it clear that the Administration actually can implement them — in particular, that it can secure the funding and use the funds as the executive actions direct.

There simply is no shortcut to the hard work of crafting a bipartisan economic relief package that meets the needs of a reeling economy, struggling families, and cash-strapped states and localities.

To help a nation suffering through one of its gravest crises in many decades, the White House should withdraw the executive actions, return to the negotiating table, and do what’s needed to reach the deal that our nation so badly needs.”

Read the Full Statement
  Download the PDF (3pp)

Additional Resources

 ›  Trump Executive Orders Won’t Help the Millions Struggling to Pay Rent
 ›  We've rounded up all of our COVID-19 analysis and are updating this page regularly.
Contact: Caroline Anderson-Gray, 202-408-1080, Director of Digital Strategy
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