Hi John,

There are just six weeks to go until the 2020 election. I'm just sending a quick update to you as we count down. In this email:

  • Covid and jobs,
  • Our local transport package,
  • Better healthcare.

Firstly, if you didn't join Judith Collins and I last Monday, then you missed a great day. We had over-flowing venues in Paraparaumu and Levin which was so encouraging.

The biggest concerns I've heard this week have been around Covid, and people losing jobs. National have zero tolerance for Covid. We will not open the borders until it is absolutely safe to do so, and we will tighten quarantine and make sure people are being contained, tested, and we are all being kept safe.

We also are the only party to have announced any plan to protect and create jobs for the 220,000 people who are on the unemployment benefit, and the 450,000 people who are reliant on the wage subsidy (which ends in September). Check out Job Start and Business Start

On Monday, Judith Collins, Chris Bishop and I announced that the next National Government will:

  • Build the Ōtaki to north of Levin Expressway, starting as soon as possible,
  • Electrify and double-track rail from Waikanae to Ōtaki,
  • Build a two-way interchange at Peka Peka.

Full details here.

We also announced in July that we will build a new school at Waikanae Beach.

I've fought hard to get this approved and funded, because it is exactly what we need in our region, and what thousands of you have been asking me for over the last nine months. 

I'm also fighting hard to improve local healthcare. We should have more local out-patient services or day clinics in our community, and better triaging of ED cases. We know patients have better outcomes when they receive treatment closer to home, so I'll be fighting to improve healthcare in our community. 

Of course more healthcare needs more staff, yet half of all GPs will be retired within eight years. We need to work hard to attract more GPs to our region, and train the next generation of health professionals. That's exactly what I'll be fighting for as your local MP.

I'll keep working hard around here, and I'd love your support in September to elect me as your next MP so I can finish the job and deliver for our region. 

Tim Costley

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