Saturday, August 8, 2020
Join us to reach out to people in your very own neighborhood to talk about Brynne! We'll start with a short training on zoom, where we will get you set up with a list of people in your neighborhood to reach out to. Then we'll all head out, leave a note on their doors, come home, give them a call, and then jump back on zoom to hear how it went and share stories! So invite your friends and family and join us virtually for this new and innovative event.
Note: this will be a COVID-safe, no contact event.
Join El Dorado's BIG SEND GOTV Letter Writing Team
Your help is needed now for our Get Out the Vote efforts. Write personalized letters to EDC Democrats who sometimes forget to vote. Easy and effective.
Email Sue at [email protected] and/or view this short video for more information.
PO Box 1126 • Diamond Springs, CA • 95619

Phone: 916-312-3008

Email: [email protected]

FEC # C00483412 
FPPC# 781341