From Debbie Allen, Acting Executive Director <>
Date August 29, 2019 8:58 PM
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If you want save on your hotel for Secular Lobby Day, you have until next Tuesday!
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Hotel registration for Secular Lobby Day closes TUESDAY ([link removed][UNIQID])
You don't want to miss this opportunity to join nontheists from around country as we connect with and hear from lawmakers, enhance our lobbying and advocacy skills, and take meetings on Capitol Hill to urge legislative action on secular addiction recovery options ([link removed][UNIQID]) .

Our guaranteed room rate at the Washington Plaza Hotel for the evenings of September 26, and 27 closes Tuesday evening. If you want to save on accommodations along with many Secular Coalition for America members and friends, now is the time to take advantage of this exclusive offer.
(*Please note, the hotel is sold-out on Sep. 25*)

Register now online ([link removed][UNIQID]) or by contacting their reservations desk at 202-842-1300. When calling, mention “Secular Coalition”.
Book your Lobby Day hotel room NOW ([link removed][UNIQID])

P.S. Haven't signed up for ([link removed][UNIQID]) Secular Lobby Day ([link removed][UNIQID]) yet? There's still time! ([link removed][UNIQID])

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Contributions to the Secular Coalition for America are not tax-deductible; they support our effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. Tax-deductible donations, including from Donor Advised Funds and IRA Rollovers, can be made to the Secular Coalition for America Education Fund.

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