Grassley Direct

I spoke with Ty Rushing at the N’West Iowa Review. We discussed coronavirus economic relief and the Paycheck Protection Program.

Q&A: COVID-19 Fuels Chinese Espionage


Q. What’s the latest red flag with regard to China’s efforts to steal U.S. research?

Q: What measures are you pushing to stop economic espionage?

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There is an overall need to re-establish the confidence of the American people. We have a responsibility to open the economy back up, get people back to work and safely send students back to school.

Unfortunately, Democrats continue to play politics with additional coronavirus economic relief and refuse to get serious at the negotiating table.

As much as people yearn for a vaccine to kick COVID-19 to the curb, Iowans are just as desperate for elected officials to stop the partisan bellyaching.

After helping write our bipartisan drug pricing reform bill, Senate Democrats are walking away from the table. While our best and brightest are working around the clock to develop a vaccine and our front-line workers are caring for the sick, partisan Democrats are holding fast to political games that only hurt the American people. Check our more in my op-ed with Senator Ernst.

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