Governor Charlie Baker announced new initiatives Friday amid an uptick in COVID-19 cases, including reducing the outdoor gatherings limit from 100 to 50 people, establishing a new enforcement team, and indefinitely postponing Step 2 of Phase 3 of the reopening process. Continue reading →
By the fall of 2019, more than three quarters of Tommy Chang’s top 50 leaders had left Boston Public Schools, part of a recurrent brain drain that has consistently hobbled efforts to implement lasting reform. Continue reading →
A border war is brewing over a lucrative prize: the income taxes paid to Massachusetts by thousands of New Hampshire commuters-turned-telecommuters. Continue reading →
Alfonso Morales, the police chief of Milwaukee, was demoted Thursday after an oversight board questioned the police’s performance under his leadership, including the recent use of tear gas and pepper spray against protesters. Continue reading →
President Trump on Friday signaled he was ready to forge ahead without Congress to try to address lapsed economic relief measures for millions of Americans, but he stopped short of declaring negotiations dead. Continue reading →
As Kseniya Milya’s grandfather lay dying of COVID-19 at a hospital in Belarus’ capital of Minsk, the country’s authoritarian leader was blithely dismissing the pandemic as “psychosis,” and recommending an unusual remedy: Have a regular shot of vodka and work hard in the fields. Continue reading →
US intelligence officials believe that Russia is using a variety of measures to denigrate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden ahead of the November election and that individuals linked to the Kremlin are boosting President Trump’s reelection bid, the country’s counterintelligence chief said Friday in the most specific warning to date about the threat of foreign interference. Continue reading →
Governor Charlie Baker admonished school districts on Friday that have chosen remote-only models for the fall, reiterating his plea for local leaders to get as many students back into the classroom as possible. Continue reading →
A Gardner hotel has been fined $600 after the city learned the hotel hosted two weddings last weekend, both of which exceeded state rules limiting the size of gatherings, officials said. Continue reading →
Maha Hasan Alshawi, a Dartmouth graduate student who said she was going on a hunger strike last month to protest the college’s failure to investigate her allegations of sexual harassment, ended her strike on Friday afternoon after achieving her goal. The day before, the school named the external investigator who will review Alshawi’s case. Continue reading →
The left fielder's 2-for-29, 12-strikeout start has Ron Roenicke thinking of potential replacements while hoping Benintendi can find a way out of his struggles. Continue reading →
He hit a pair of home runs and also made a key defensive play, while Mitch Moreland also homered and the bullpen pitched six strong innings. Continue reading →
The state's largest private employer detailed the financial hit it's taken from cancellations of nonurgent appointments and outpatient services. Continue reading →
The Swiss federal government has struck a deal with Moderna to supply Switzerland with 4.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine if the Cambridge-based biotech firm successfully develops one.The Federal Office of Public H Continue reading →
General Scowcroft, who served as national security adviser to Presidents Gerald R. Ford and George H.W. Bush and as a counselor in seven administrations, died Thursday at his home in Falls Church, Va. Continue reading →
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