TeenVogue.com Tells its Young Readers to Have Sex
"We all deserve to f*** our fat hearts out."

STOP Exploiting Your Young Readers!

I'm frustrated and disgusted, and after reading this, you will be too.

Yesterday's headline story on TeenVogue.com read: "Having Sex When You Fat: Tips on Positions, Props and Preparations." This article is an irresponsible and incomprehensible attempt to sexualize and exploit the minds of its young teen and tween readers during what should be a protected period of innocence.

Written by "certified sex educator" Elle Chase, the guide provides teens with "tips on how to have the best sex possible, and how you can feel powerful doing it." Next described are ways to "get prepared" for penetrative or anal sex, the use sex toys and props, the benefits of masturbation, followed by multiple detailed descriptions on different positions to try.

Interspersed throughout the article are links to "safer sex" including "How to Have Safer Sex If You're Queer," Planned Parenthood's contraception options including "the morning after pill," and links to dozens of other sex-related articles for its young readers on TeenVogue.com.
Just as deplorable, the article concludes by telling teen and tweens: "We all deserve to f**k our fat hearts out."
You may remember that we've been after TeenVogue.com and its once respected publisher Conde Nast for publishing this filth ever since it released an "anal sex guide" for teens, which resulted in calls across the nation for the article's removal. TeenVogue.com not only ignored the appeals (and its digital editor flipped us the finger on social media) but once again linked to the article in this most recent article!

Described as "the premiere destination for the young and unapologetic" and with 20 million social followers, we must let TeenVogue.com know that we will not stand for continual sexualized assault on teens and tweens.

Please, help us shut this farce of a teen publication down once and for all. #SayNOToTeenVogue. Sign our petition now. Clearly, they care more about their own exploitive agenda than they do about our kids. This is the very ignorance that panders to the pornography industry’s exploitive and commercial aim. Enough Is Enough!
Please help spread the word to stop this nonsense!

1) Sign the petition being sent to Teen.vogue.com editors and publisher Conde Nast.
2) Forward this e-mail to friends, family and co-workers
3) Visit my Facebook video post on this article (be sure to like and share it!)

Thanks so much for taking action and fighting for our kids!
President & CEO
Enough Is Enough
Former TeenVogue.com digital editor Phillip Picardi's response to EIE and public uproar over its "Anal Sex Guide"
We Can't Keep Children & Families
Safe Online Without You!
Enough Is Enough® is a national bi-partisan non-profit organization who has led the fight to make the Internet safer for children and families since 1994. EIE's efforts are focused on combating Internet p*rnography, child p*rnography, sexual predation, sex trafficking, and cyberbullying by incorporating a three-pronged prevention strategy with shared responsibilities between the public, Corporate America, and the legal community.