
Both Democrats and Republicans talk about how important our veterans are and how critical it is that we support them in this country.

But far too often, it's all talk, no action. When I'm in Congress, I'll make sure we actually provide veterans with the services they need.

On this day six years ago, the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act was signed into law.

This act expanded resources and increased accountability for our veterans. From affordable health care to addressing homeless veterans populations, the act increased funding to help veterans across the country. But still, it's not enough. We need to do more to provide the resources our veterans need to survive and thrive during and after their service for our country.

Serving our country in its toughest moments and risking their lives to protect our freedoms is no easy task, nor is returning to civilian life after service -- just as so many of our friends and family members have done here in San Diego.

While the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act marked some advancements for the veteran community, there is much more work that needs to be done.

In Congress, I am committed to continuing this progress towards providing veterans with the programs and services they need, especially when it comes to their mental health and ensuring housing is provided. If you agree that this needs to be a priority in Congress, add your name to my petition. Our veterans are experiencing mental health issues at an all time high -- with an increased risk of suicide and PTSD, especially compared to the general population. We must address the discrepancies within the lack of mental health care accessibility for our veterans.

Veterans' homelessness continues to rise as well -- in California alone, 2018 homelessness data showed there were around 11,000 veterans reported to be struggling with homelessness. That's 11,000 too many.

I have said it many times before and will say it again -- the federal government needs to do more for our veterans. State and local funds are not enough to give our veterans all of the support they need.

The 53rd Congressional district of California is home to one of the highest concentrations of veterans in the country. As an organizer and as the City Council President, I've dedicated a lot of my work toward addressing homelessness in California -- specifically focusing on our veterans.

When I'm elected to Congress, I will prioritize expanding affordable housing and health care initiatives to address mental health concerns.

Veterans need to be a priority. Sign on to our petition committing to focusing on resources for veterans in Congress.

Thank you for joining me in the fight for our freedom fighters. As they stand up for us, we will ALWAYS stand up for them.

In solidarity,
