AUGUST 7, 2020
Kuttner on TAP
Did Summers Jump, or Was He Pushed?
On Thursday, Larry Summers told a virtual forum hosted by the Aspen Institute: "I am very, very happy being able to speak freely. My time in government is behind me and my time as a free speaker is ahead of me."

My sources told me that the Biden campaign, yielding to serious pressure from progressive groups, asked Summers to take himself out of contention for a job in the administration. Summers made it sound like a purely voluntary decision.

My recent Prospect piece, cataloguing Summers’s serial policy disasters and zombie-like survival as an influential adviser, demonstrated why Summers had become a lightning rod for a broad range of progressive groups.

But don’t count Larry out. He has all sorts of back channels to the Biden campaign, including to Biden himself, who is said to like him. Summers did not say that he’d cease to be an informal adviser, and may yet turn up in some kind of transition team role. He also exercises significant behind-the-scenes influence through his numerous protégés.

According to several sources, Summers still covets the career-capper job that has twice eluded him—chair of the Federal Reserve. If Summers makes another run at the Fed, he can always say that, technically, chairing the independent Fed is not exactly serving "in government."

Keep an eye on this guy. He has more lives than a cat.

Facebook’s Ever-Present Cloning Device
The company continues making knockoffs of its rivals’ products in an attempt to crush them, though Congress blew the whistle on that last week. BY DAVID DAYEN

A Day One Agenda for Private Equity
A new administration would have numerous opportunities to weaken the power of these financial titans. BY EILEEN APPELBAUM & ELEANOR EAGAN

Democratic Party’s Corporate Contingent Votes to Preserve Their Power
Several corporate lobbyists on the DNC Rules Committee thwarted a measure to bar corporate lobbyists from serving on the DNC. BY DAVID MOORE

Unsanitized: Federal Benefit Extension Looks Remote as Anger Mounts
Plus, the post office tries to stick up states. This is The COVID-19 Daily Report for August 7, 2020. BY DAVID DAYEN

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