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The Dan Bongino Show
August 7, 2020
Listen to Today's Podcast:
ep 1316

In this episode, I address the big trap Trump is setting for the Democrats. I also address the real reason this Spygate co-conspirator is panicking.

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Five Reasons Ilhan Omar’s “Cancel Rent” Movement Would Be a Disaster for America

Conservatives are all about reality and liberals are all about Santa Claus. Nary a day passes when liberals don’t demand that something else is provided to them for “free.” After ignoring conservatives that pleaded with them not to lockdown the economy over the Coronavirus, liberals have noticed that the large numbers of people that lost their jobs because of the lockdowns are having trouble paying their rent. You don’t say. Their solution to the problem they created with the lockdowns is to simply do away with rent.


President Trump: Biden “No Longer Worthy” of the Black Vote

President Donald Trump is coming out swinging after Joe Biden’s latest gaffe.



The Bongino Report

Sign of Hope: Eight Out of Ten American Voters Believe that U.S. Was Founded On Ideals of Freedom and Equality

According to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen, an overwhelming majority of American voters believe that America was founded on the Declaration of Independence’s ideals, despite that the country has, at times, failed to live up to them.

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