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The El Paso Attack, One Year Later: Extremist Threat Remains High
On August 3, 2019, white supremacist Patrick Crusius’ deadly shooting spree at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, took the lives of 23 people and injured 23 more, making it one of the deadliest domestic terror attacks and deadliest hate crimes in U.S. history. It was also the most horrific attack against the Hispanic community in U.S. modern memory.
In the twelve months since El Paso, right-wing extremists have not carried out any deadly mass shooting attacks – but the threat remains significant.
In this week's Fighting Hate From Home webinar, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt was joined by Mexican Ambassador to the United States, Martha Bárcena; Sindy Benavides, CEO of LULAC, the oldest Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States; and Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, who represents the El Paso area, to discuss of the spread of hate, fighting against domestic terrorism and how the El Paso attack impacted the community.
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#StopHateForProfit Facebook Ad Pause Extends Beyond July
ADL and our partner organizations called for a Facebook ad pause for the month of July as the mobilization for the #StopHateForProfit movement. Many companies, frustrated by Facebook’s unwillingness to address their concerns, have already said they are not ready to return to Facebook’s platforms. We applaud them for that decision. We see this movement growing in Europe and in other areas and we have explicit commitments from many advertisers to participate in future pauses and new actions if Facebook continues to ignore their demands for change.
This movement will not go away until Facebook makes the reasonable changes that society wants. The ad pause in July was not a full campaign – it was a warning shot across Facebook’s bow. This movement will only get bigger and broader until Facebook takes the common-sense steps necessary to mitigate the damage it causes. And it has spurred additional constituencies who are also demanding change. We saw this demonstrated in full force last week in Congress where legislators forced Mark Zuckerberg to testify and held him accountable for Facebook’s failures. We expect more constituencies will emerge in the coming weeks as this movement gains even more momentum.
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Urge Your Senators to Include Voter and Election Protections in COVID-19 Relief Bill
ADL and our community partners are working hard to ensure states are able to provide safe, fair and accessible elections in the midst of this global pandemic. Unless Congress provides emergency election assistance and additional voter protections, our communities and so many voters will face the impossible decision about whether to wait in crowded lines and rooms to vote and risk jeopardizing their health and the health of their loved ones. This is especially true for members of marginalized communities who are already disproportionately impacted by the health and economic consequences of COVID-19.
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What Do Safe, Respectful and Inclusive Virtual Classrooms Look Like?
As teachers head back to school—whether that is in person, online or a hybrid model—fostering a safe, respectful and inclusive classroom is as important as ever. How do safe and inclusive classroom practices apply to digital spaces and what can educators do to establish those norms and carry them out throughout the year? Just as you create safe, respectful and equitable physical classroom spaces, many of us are learning how to bring those best practices online. Our list of suggested strategies is long. That’s why our first tip in
this education resource is to start by selecting one or two items that are most relevant for your setting and teaching goals.
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Upcoming Virtual Event - Taking White Supremacy to Court: The Charlottesville Case
Three years ago, neo-Nazis and white supremacists descended on Charlottesville, VA for a weekend of violence. This violence was no accident – rather, it was the result of months of planning. And it served as a harbinger of the cycle of white supremacist violence that has followed.
Join us as we partner with Integrity First America on Monday, August 10 at 7 p.m. ET for a conversation with Eric Ward of the Western States Center, IFA Executive Director Amy Spitalnick and attorneys Roberta Kaplan and Karen Dunn for an overview of this landmark case and the fight against white supremacy, antisemitism, racism and other forms of hate.
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Supreme Court Review 2020 - Watch Now!
With COVID-19 disrupting day-to-day operations and many significant cases on the docket, it has been an exceptionally busy term for the Supreme Court.
On Tuesday, ADL partnered with the National Constitution Center for our annual Supreme Court Review, where distinguished legal scholars Erwin Chemerinsky, Dahlia Lithwick, Paul Clement and Frederick Lawrence broke down the most important legal questions of the term, including separation of church and state, immigration and Title VII employment discrimination. They also discussed what to expect at the Supreme Court next year.
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Photo courtesy of WUSA9 and WVEC. |
KKK Propaganda Found in Arlington, Other Parts of Virginia
Last week, KKK propaganda was seen in Gloucester and Arlington, Virginia. In Gloucester, KKK recruitment fliers were found in front yards throughout the county. In Arlington, since the beginning of July, KKK stickers have been seen in multiple places across the city. To date, there have been multiple reports of stickers found on the back of traffic signs, lights and trees, according to the Arlington Police Department. Local police departments in Arlington and Gloucester County are involved in the ongoing investigations, as well as Virginia State Police.
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Thank You Helpers - Send a Message of Support to Our Brave Frontline
While ADL keeps the fight against antisemitism, bigotry and hate going amid this pandemic, we are beyond grateful to our brave heroes on the frontlines around the world keeping us safe and fighting the coronavirus.
Please join ADL in showing these individuals our gratitude and support. Click here to share your message of thanks and appreciation for the COVID-19 frontline workers, including but not limited to: community service workers, first responders, healthcare workers, law enforcement officials, scientists, and all other essential service workers and helpers assisting our communities.
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