JFI Week in Review 8/3/20 - 8/7/20
Justice for Immigrants Colleagues,

Please see below for the latest updates from JFI.

Sección en español de la Semana en Revisión

Nuevo Recurso de JFI

El 28 de julio de 2020, el secretario interino del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS, por sus siglas en inglés) Chad Wolf expidió un memorando sobre el programa DACA. El memorando es en respuesta a la reciente decisión de 5-4 de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos que deroga el intento de septiembre de 2017 de la Administración Trump de terminar el programa DACA. Los nuevos cambios enumerados en el memorando: (1) reducirán la autorización de empleo de los recipientes de DACA de dos años a un año; (2) no permitirán nuevos solicitantes de DACA; y (3) terminarán con el permiso anticipado de viaje para todos los solicitantes de DACA. Importantemente, el memorando también señala una intención futura de la Administración Trump de intentar terminar el programa DACA de nuevo.  Lea el nuevo recurso de JFI que revisa los cambios en el memorando del DHS.

Oración del papa Francisco a María sobre la pandemia del coronavirus: "Líbranos de todo peligro" (cortesía de V Encuentro - Discípulos Misioneros Testigos del amor de Dios)

"Bajo tu amparo nos acogemos, santa Madre de Dios", así el papa Francisco ha rezado a la Virgen María para que libre a Italia y el mundo de la pandemia del coronavirus. Haga clic en el enlace de arriba para ver el video-mensaje del papa Francisco.

¿Tiene actualizaciones o recursos en español que desea compartir? Favor de enviarlos a Sarah Hoff y nosotros los promovemos.

COVID 19 Migration Updates

USCCB Letter to U.S. Senate Regarding COVID-19 Funding

On July 27, 2020, Bishop Mario Dorsonville, auxiliary bishop of Washington and chairman of the USCCB's Committee on Migration, sent a letter to the Senate highlighting migration-priorities for the next and last COVID-19 aid package. Among the asks were: inclusion of S. 4071 the American Citizen Coronavirus Relief Act, sponsored by Senators Rubio (R-FL) and Tillis (R-NC), and S. 4307, Protecting Benefits for Elderly Refugees and Refugees with Disabilities During COVID-19 Act, sponsored by Senator Murray (D-WA).

S. 4071 would provide certain immigrant families, specifically those which include a U.S. citizen parent, eligibility to receive the stimulus funding under the CARES Act and future COVID-19 relief. S. 4307 would extend the period of eligibility for Supplemental Security Income for elderly and disabled refugees who are in the U.S. after fleeing religious and other persecution.

In his letter, Bishop Dorsonville also requested inclusion of the USCCB's continuing priorities for the next COVID-19 relief package and wrote, "We believe that the pursuit of the common good must involve all people, including the most vulnerable populations on the margins, such as refugees and at-risk immigrant families. We are all in it together."

On July 27, 2020, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced the Senate's supplemental COVID-19 package, the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act. It is a $1 trillion package. See our initial Q&A on the HEALS Act.

Support for Coronavirus Assistance for American Families (CAAF) Act

On August 5th, Bishop Dorsonville sent a letter to the Senate seeking co-sponsorship of the "Coronavirus Assistance for American Families (CAAF) Act" by Senators Cassidy (R-LA), Daines (R-MT), Romney (R-UT), and Rubio (R-FL). This legislation would ensure immigrant families that include a U.S. citizen parent are made eligible for funding in the next COVID-19 package negotiated by Congress.

USCCB President and Migration Chairman Urge Trump Administration to Reinstate Full DACA Program and Call for Congressional Action 

On July 28, 2020, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Acting Secretary Chad Wolf issued a memorandum limiting the DACA program. The memorandum "memo" was issued in response to the recent 5-4 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court striking down the Trump Administration's September 2017 attempt to end the DACA program. The new changes outlined in the memo would: (1) cut DACA's youth work authorization from two years to one year; (2) would not allow new DACA applicants; and (3) prohibits future use of advance parole for DACA recipients. Importantly, the memo also signals a future intent by the Trump Administration to attempt to end the DACA program again.

Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles, USCCB president, and Bishop Dorsonville, chairman of the USCCB's Committee on Migration, responded to limiting of DACA by stating, "We are deeply disappointed that the Administration continues to push forward to end DACA. The Catholic Church in the United States has long advocated for the Dreamers and we will continue to stand with them... Again, we turn to Congress, specifically the U.S. Senate, and exhort it to join the U.S. House of Representatives in passing legislation that provides both certainty and a path to citizenship for Dreamers." 

JFI has a new DACA backgrounder on the July 28th memorandum.

USCCB Migration Chairman Calls for Prayers for Trafficking Survivors; Holds Webinar with Anti-Trafficking Experts

The United Nations has designated July 30 as the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons to raise awareness of the devastating impact of human trafficking and to promote survivors' rights and human dignity. There are nearly 25 million individuals trapped in modern-day slavery, according to the International Labor Organization. Human trafficking a "crime against humanity," Pope Francis has said, because it is "an unjustifiable violation of the victims' freedom and dignity, which are integral dimensions of the human person willed and created by God." 

On July 29th, Bishop Dorsonville, on behalf of the USCCB, declared in a statement, "We are renewing our call to educating about human trafficking and proclaiming the value of all human life." On July 30th, USCCB/MRS held a webinar that featured opening remarks from Chris Smith (R-NJ) and heard from Jessica Hart, the Director of the Department of Justice Office of Victims of Crime, as well as representatives from USCCB/MRS, U.S. Sisters Against Human Trafficking, and ESTHER Ministry of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Long Beach, California.

Please see a recording of the webinar and slides here.

Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Appropriations Update

Between July 24th-31st, the House passed appropriations (every bill but the Department of Homeland Security and Legislative Affairs). Please see our FY 2021 Appropriations Summary. At this time, the Senate has not passed any FY 2021 bills. 

USCCB/MRS Self-Care Webinar: Resilience for Staff, Resilience for Refugees - August 18, 2020 at 2 PM EST

Kristina Marsh, Manager of Refugee Support Services at Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, will present in this webinar which will look at ways to expand what self-care can include and apply that to work with refugees. Discussion will feature how to incorporate other pieces of self-care into your mindset and workday to help you feel more grounded, focused, and able to help others. Register for the webinar and we look forward to your participation! 

Hope Border Institute (HBI) Report on COVID-19 at the Border

JFI partner HBI released a new report, Situation Update: Pandemic at the Border, which highlights the implications of Title 42, COVID's impact on MPP, changes to asylum at the border, ICE detention and deportation, the situation of migrants in Juárez, and HOPE's response. Also included in the report are examples of innovative programming supported by Bishop Mark Seitz's Border Refugee Assistance Fund. Please share with your networks! 

Upcoming Events and Opportunities 
  • USCIS Local Citizenship Grant Opportunities - USCIS Citizenship Instruction and Naturalization Application Services will fund 33 organizations that offer both citizenship instruction and naturalization application services to lawful permanent residents (LPRs). The Refugee and Asylee Assimilation Program will fund 6 organizations to provide individualized services to LPRs who entered the U.S. as refugees or were granted asylum. Applications for both grants are due by Aug. 31, 2020. To apply, visit uscis.gov/grants or email the USCIS Office of Citizenship at [email protected]. 
  • Catholic Health Association (CHA) Sustaining the Ministry Webinar Series: Theology, Ministry and Sponsorship - August 12, 2020 at 2 PM EST - CHA's first webinar in a series explores the dimensions of cultivating effective working relationships with bishops, church leaders and boards will feature Fr. Charles Bouchard, OP who will describe how health care is a ministry and what ministry sponsorship means. Registration required.
  • Catholic Charities-Archdiocese of New York: Job Fair Volunteer - August 14, 2020 at 10 AM EST Join us to prep our neighbors and friends for their upcoming job interviews and give them the tools for success! Get more information and sign up. 
  • Catholic Labor Network Zoom Webinar: Workers Speak Out on Prison Labor - August 18, 2020 at 3 PM EST - With millions incarcerated, prison labor exists in the U.S., but is prison labor preparing returning people for productive work upon release? In our latest installment of WORKERS SPEAK OUT, we will talk with prison reformers and returned citizens about the realities of prison labor and what can be done to about it. Register here.
  • Free Self-Study Training from CLINIC: Getting the Facts: Criminal Records in Immigration Cases An immigrant's criminal history may prevent eligibility for a benefit, subject a client to removal, or lead to a negative exercise of discretion. Through this 90-minute course, consisting of 8 modules, participants will gain the knowledge and skills to identify and obtain the criminal records necessary to evaluate a client's case, as well as decipher the information contained in the records.Get started now!
In Solidarity, 
Tony Cube
3211 Fourth Street, NE Washington, DC 20017
Phone: (202) 541-3165 Fax: (202) 722-8711
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