It's been one year since we changed our name and relaunched our group!  Lemme tall ya... we hit the ground running and never let up!  Please review all that we've accomplished and celebrate with us!  Here's a letter Fran and I put together to share it all with you.  I don't wanna toot our own horn, but WE ROCK!

With love and gratitude,


Dear Friends and Patriots:

Last summer, when NE Tarrant Tea Party announced a new mission (with a widely-celebrated new name!) MANY people stepped up to support that mission with recurring monthly donations, one-time donations, volunteering, presence, and prayers. On behalf of the entire Board, we thank you for that commitment to True Texas Project! We depend on our True Texas Project team to keep us moving forward. We pray for all of you, and we hope that you are not only staying healthy but thriving during the recent challenges we’ve faced. We will prevail past this challenging situation, and we are confident that our activists will remain Texas Tough and Texas Proud!

Our commitment to you last summer was to expand our mission, develop new programs and outreach opportunities, and increase our state-wide presence for conservative principles. We work hard to live up to those commitments. Here is what we have accomplished so far.

  • Increased social media presence across multiple platforms.
  • Launched our new website.
  • Forged a new path onto a local college campus by partnering with other organizations to start a conservative student club.
  • Built a new database management system (see more on that below!)
  • Established a scholarship program for local high school seniors. We awarded $1000 to the creator of a 60-second video which displays the student’s belief in conservative values.
  • Expanded fund-raising efforts (including NEW monthly donations!).
  • Worked closely in a key leadership role with other grassroots groups across Texas to deliver a consistent message on major issues of concern.
  • Expanded our reach with our new True Texas Project-Denton County meetings!
  • Revitalized our liaison program which helps us stay connected and relevant with every one of our elected leaders.
  • Continued and expanded our Citizen Advocate group to actively advocate on specific legislation and measures. We coordinate with several other grassroots groups around the state in these efforts to bring a louder voice to our message.
  • Built out our calendar into 2021 to make sure we provide only the best and most inspiring educational opportunities every month.
  • Currently creating a new educational series to be released via video which will help people understand the political process and become more effective and responsible citizens.
  • Just announced – True Texas Project Dallas County coming soon!

While we always strive to be active and relevant, the recent pandemic situation has been our time to shine! Hopefully you keep up with us on email and social media because grassroots activism has never been more important than it is right now. Through it all True Texas Project has not only been here for you, but we even up’d our game. Fighting government overreach is what we do, and it paid off.

Check out our victories:

  • Shared robust social media posts hitting on key message points via humor, facts, and education
  • Regularly responded to NEW faces suddenly asking lots of questions like “Is that Constitutional?”
  • Hosted a fantastic online April meeting with another great guest speaker – Russ Ramsland on The Deep State (how timely!)
  • Released three “True Talk” Q&A sessions with experts on important COVID19 issues
  • Held multiple strategy and planning meetings with Board members to maximize down time while we have it!
  • Successfully organized grassroots pressure on local government to push back against tyranny and overreach. For example, In Tarrant County, Dallas County and the City of Fort Worth, our efforts resulted in each jurisdiction changing the language on their disaster declarations regarding worship services from “prohibited” to “encourage online or alternative services.” That’s a BIG WIN! Citizen push back also resulted in Dallas County Judge Jenkins being reined in by his own commissioners and pulling back on his mask requirement. Well done, True Texas Patriots!
  • Prayed continuously for our government leaders, our fellow activists, and all Americans
  • Maintained close contact with the top statewide conservative grassroot leaders to send focused messages to the Governor and our legislators

We now must also take a close look at our financial situation and make adjustments as needed to keep us fiscally sound and still able to carry on with the mission.

As mentioned, we recently moved to a new, more sophisticated database system. This ONE system combines FOUR previous systems to handle emails, donations, text messages, and contacts. With the new system we eliminate all four of those… and the costs associated with them. This one accomplishment not only saves money, but allows us to stay better connected with our members, and provides better tools to serve YOU, our members and supporters.

If you are proud of the work we do (and we really hope that you are!), perhaps you would consider supporting us financially. If you are already a financial supporter, THANK YOU! If you are not, we urge you to make an investment in Texas liberty. True Texas Project is 100% funded by private donations – we do not receive government money, or grants, it’s just a lot of folks like you chipping in to support the work. Recurring monthly donations (even small amounts) are especially helpful as it allows us to plan ahead, and manage our budgets responsibly.

You can donate with a credit card or bank card here:


You can also donate by mail with a check to True Texas Project, 1220-G Airport Freeway #602, Bedford, TX 75022.

Again, thank you for your support with your donations, your presence, and your prayers. We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and encouragement from our True Texas people! We could never do this without you (would not even want to!), and we want you to know that you have our deepest gratitude.

God bless you all, and God Bless Texas!

Julie McCarty, C.E.O.

Fran Rhodes, President

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