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Four seats is all it takes for the dems to flip the Senate. Four seats is the difference between the American people having a voice, and the dems passing anything that fits their radical liberal agenda
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Four seats is all it takes for the dems to flip the Senate. Four seats is the difference between the American people having a voice, and the dems passing anything that fits their radical liberal agenda.

We have to protect our majority.

The solutions we set in place today will affect Americans for generations to come. Do you really want Chuck Schumer deciding the fate of our future?

If not, join us in supporting candidates who will never stop standing up to the dems agenda, and will protect your voice in the Senate! 

Four seats is not a lot. But we have no intention of making it easy for the Democrat leadership to snatch seats away from conservative leaders.

Despite their constant attacks, we are still building our grassroots army. They are continuing to target states that they believe are shifting blue. In all those states it is our conservative leaders who are coming up with solutions to help local businesses get back on their feet. It is our leaders in Congress that are working to equip the American people with safe procedures to boost their local economies.

We need more leaders in Congress who are willing to work for the American people. That will never happen if Chuck Schumer gets his majority in the Senate! Help us protect our majority, and our voice in the Senate today!

Your overwhelming support during these past several months has been incredible. It is supporters like you, John, that remind us why we continue to fight the hard fight for a better future.

Every little bit your give today helps us get one step closer to victory in November, and a better future for the American people.

Give today!

Thank you for your support,

Team Toomey


Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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