From Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject Highlights and video of ADL's Supreme Court Review
Date August 7, 2020 4:09 PM
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Dear John,

The U.S. Supreme Court recently ended an eventful year with a series of significant decisions affecting civil rights and civil liberties.
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ADL&rsquo;s annual Supreme Court Review, held with our longtime partners at the National Constitution Center, provided an in-depth look at those decisions and other key moments of the most recent term, and we’d like to share a quick overview with you.

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We are grateful to the eminent legal scholars who took part &mdash; Erwin Chemerinsky, Frederick Lawrence, Dahlia Lithwick and Paul Clement &mdash; for their perceptive examination of the Supreme Court&rsquo;s recent major decisions. To view and share the video of the full event,
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visit our Supreme Court Review landing page.

The scholars engaged in a deep analysis of the decisions and dissents of the term, including results that alternately engaged and enraged the political left and right, or as Dahlia Lithwick put it, &ldquo;the court giveth and the court taketh away.&rdquo; They dove into what our panel described as a dramatic shift away from the tradition of a strong wall between church and state, as well as key decisions on immigration and Title VII employment discrimination.

They provided insights into the Court&rsquo;s year under Chief Justice John Roberts, which included surprising alliances and fiery disagreements, leaks to the media, and how the Court has been affected by handling cases telephonically, in an unprecedented step during the COVID pandemic.

Looking ahead, the Court faces new challenges regarding religious freedom, voting rights, the Affordable Care Act and immigration.

After you
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watch the Supreme Court Review, we encourage you to visit our
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Take Action page to find ways to advocate on some of the civil rights issues discussed during the Supreme Court review, our
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Amicus Briefs database showing to see how ADL has weighed in ahead of court rulings on vital cases and our
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Voting Rights guide to ensure that you have a voice in democracy.
Yours truly,

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. Please be on the lookout for information soon about ADL&rsquo;s inspiring and informative fall events, including opportunities for additional CLE credits. We hope you&rsquo;ll join us (from home) as part of the ADL community.

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