The Hill: To cripple the abusive campus ‘sex bureaucracy,’ rein in the Title IX coordinators

If you want to entrench a government policy, make sure someone’s job depends on enforcing it. Even if that person isn’t a true believer in the program initially, he or she will be by the time their first paycheck arrives—and increasingly after that. 

Alison Somin tells us this is certainly the case with the education system’s Title IX coordinators.

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A chef cooking to stay afloat during COVID-19

Chef Geoff Tracy is an entrepreneur, cookbook author, and owner of restaurants in the Washington, D.C., area. And in 2018, Chef Geoff sued the State of Virginia over the state’s unconstitutional ban on happy hour and alcohol advertisements—and won with PLF.

But not long after Geoff’s legal battles ended, the COVID-19 pandemic began. In his own words, Chef Geoff explains how he is dealing with—and surviving—the COVID-19 shutdown.

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Townhall: Congressional and state efforts to reform doctrine of qualified immunity under way

The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis over Memorial Day weekend sparked protests and nationwide discussions of race, police abuse and criminal justice reform—a discussion that has yet to abate. His tragic death also renewed focus on a legal doctrine called “qualified immunity” that government bureaucrats and regulatory officers have used as a legal defense to violate people’s rights.
Mark Miller gives us a brief history lesson on qualified immunity and why it’s so damaging.

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The Amazing Housing Politics of Spider-Man—Pop Culture Urbanism Episode 1

How can Spider-Man possibly afford to live in New York? And how can we make the city more affordable for dear Aunt May? 

Nolan Gray is a research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and real-life city planner. In the first episode of our Pop Culture Urbanism video series, Nolan plunges into the Sam Raimi “Spider-Man” trilogy to uncover the housing problems (and solutions) of expensive cities like New York.

Please hit the “Subscribe” button on the video to see more like this.



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