Hello —

I wish I had better news, but I’m looking at our numbers and we’re not on pace to reach our goal before next week’s mid-FEC deadline. We need to raise exactly $10,000 by midnight to stay on track for the month.

The pressure is on here.

The latest poll shows this race within single digits. Republicans feel emboldened to launch even nastier attacks on John. We can’t take anything for granted if we’re going to take back the Senate.

The truth is, we need to hit this critical fundraising goal — but you won’t see John go beg any corporate PACs for money. That’s what typical politicians like Cory Gardner do, and we both know John Hickenlooper is anything but typical.

The only way we’re going to make up the difference before our mid-FEC deadline is if a lot of grassroots supporters like you step up to make a donation. Even $10 goes a long way. Can we count on you?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We need to get back on track here because Democrats don’t have a chance of taking back the Senate unless we win here in Colorado. Let’s get it done.

Thanks for all you do.

— M.E.

M.E. Smith
Campaign Manager
Hick 2020