From PEAK Grantmaking <[email protected]>
Subject PEAK Weekly
Date August 7, 2020 3:02 PM
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Responsive grantmaking and nonprofit programs. Trending on CONNECT. Weekly reads.

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** 4 Ways Grantmakers Are Adjusting Programming Amid COVID-19

WizeHive reports on several organizations that are meeting urgent needs by increasing giving, simplifying processes, and providing new kinds of support.
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** Inclusive Philanthropy

On August 18, learn from members of RespectAbility’s National Disability Speakers Bureau how to welcome, respect, and include those with disabilities in your communications efforts.

Exclusive and complimentary to members
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Join this week’s trending conversations:
* Anti-racism mini grants ([link removed])
* Collecting information on grantee litigation ([link removed])

Help a colleague out by sharing your advice:
* Feedback on knowledge base tools ([link removed])
* Streamlined grant agreement ([link removed])
* Template for quarterly advisory council reports ([link removed])

Not yet in CONNECT? Join now. ([link removed])
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** Upcoming
August 13 | Virtual
Coffee Hour (PEAK Southeast) ([link removed])

August 18 | Virtual
Inclusive Philanthropy: How the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Philanthropy and Nonprofits Can Add to Your Success ([link removed])

August 20 | Virtual
Virtual Check-in and Discussion (PEAK Rocky Mountain) ([link removed])

August 25 | Virtual
Virtual Coffee Hour (PEAK Southern California) ([link removed])

August 25 | Virtual
Quarantini: Another Round (PEAK Delaware Valley) ([link removed])

September 2 | Virtual
Drive Equity: Promoting Justice and Inclusion in the Grantmaking Process ([link removed])

September 15 | Virtual
From Reviewer to Co-Designer: Collaborating with Applicants to Strengthen Proposals ([link removed])

ALL EVENTS > ([link removed])

** Weekly Reads

"Spending all our assets is ultimately an investment in hope and belief that community leaders, working with thriving democratic institutions, can serve people better than philanthropists can. If we upend philanthropy’s ossified structure of privately controlled money and power and invest fully in a more just and equitable society, economic prosperity will grow, and the need for philanthropy will sharply diminish. So, ask yourself: What are you saving your endowment for?" [more] ([link removed])
– Ellen Friedman, Compton Foundation; Glen Galaich, Stupski Foundation, and Pia Infante, Whitman Institute, in Chronicle of Philanthropy

Three Actions Philanthropic Funders Can Take to Advance Equity for Immigrant and Refugee Workers [more] ([link removed])
– Monica Munn, WES Mariam Assefa Fund, on Philanthropy New York

"Although the economic crisis brought on by the global pandemic is wreaking havoc on the finances of all nonprofits, organizations led by people of color already often live close to the financial edge. We are hearing from our networks that these nonprofits are even more vulnerable right now." [more] ([link removed])
– Cheryl L. Dorsey, Echoing Green; Peter Kim, The Bridgespan Group; and Marcus Walton, GEO, on GEO

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