
With the primary election right around the corner, we’re all working around the clock to get the word out about Seth. And with this election falling during the middle of a pandemic, we’ve had to work twice as hard to make sure voters know how to safely cast a ballot on Election Day.

That means we’ve been using some of our resources to educate voters about casting a ballot by mail in Massachusetts and now we’re running low on funds.

Today we’re setting up a grassroots matching fund. Here’s how it works:

  1. You contribute any amount that is meaningful to you for the grassroots matching fund
  2. Once we hit $5,000 in the matching fund we close it
  3. We will use this fund as we get closer to September to match all funds that come in, up to $5,000
  4. In the end, your donation helps attract new donations and your impact is doubled

Rush a contribution right now to our matching fund so that you can double your impact ahead of the September 1 election.

This is an election cycle unlike any other we’ve ever seen. We believe Seth is the strongest candidate in the race, but we can’t afford to get complacent.

Thank you for doing your part to make sure we send Seth back to Congress.

Team Moulton