
Restoring the Voting Rights Act is one of the most urgent issues facing our country – and one of the best ways to honor John Lewis' legacy as a towering leader in the fight for its passage.

Since the Supreme Court gutted this vital legislation back in 2013, the GOP has conspired relentlessly to make it as difficult as possible for Americans to vote – from strict voter ID laws, to purged voter rolls, to shut down polling stations. And make no mistake: These shameless tactics are designed to impact people of color most of all.

Empty words from Republicans in Congress honoring John Lewis are meaningless while they're simultaneously refusing to restore the bill that would end their despicable voter suppression laws. I can't say it any better than President Obama: "You want to honor John? Let's honor him by revitalizing the law that he was willing to die for."

So today, I'm asking you to join me in the fight to do just that. I need 5,000 people to sign their name alongside mine on the petition demanding Congress reauthorize the Voting Rights Act, and I'm counting on you to be one of them.

Will you add your name now to demand that Congress restore the Voting Rights Act immediately and make sure that every American is able to make themselves heard on Election Day?

The GOP's efforts to undermine our democracy through their constant voter suppression are dangerous enough on their own. But Donald Trump's recent suggestion to indefinitely delay November's election in response to the pandemic was absolutely jaw dropping – an action of dictators. Totally illegal and unconstitutional, this behavior shows yet again how little regard he and his party have for ALL Americans.

If you've had enough of this President and the GOP's appalling attacks on the most precious right we have as Americans, I'm counting on you to take a stand with me today. Will you become one of the 5,000 people to speak out now?

Sign the petition right now demanding Congress immediately restore the Voting Rights Act. This bill is absolutely critical to the fight to end GOP voter suppression and protect every American's right to vote.

Thank you,


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