BREAKING via the New York Times:


AG James’ action seeks to dissolve the organization in its entirety, following its rampant misfilings and false reporting. This lawsuit seeks to hold the NRA's corrupt leadership accountable for years of putting profits above people and turning a blind eye while hundreds of thousands of Americans are killed by senseless gun violence.

James stated that the NRA has become “a breeding ground for greed, abuse, and brazen illegality.” We couldn’t agree more. No one person or entity is above the law— not even the NRA. Donate now to help Brady defeat the NRA once and for all.

This is what Brady has been working on for DECADES. This is a huge win for gun violence prevention activists, and for our namesakes, Jim and Sarah Brady, who made it their life’s ambition to put the NRA out of business. In October 2019, Brady filed a complaint with the IRS seeking to examine and ultimately revoke the NRA’s tax-exempt status. Our complaint included 150,000 signatures from supporters like you. The New York Attorney General’s case is a huge step forward, but we cannot let up our pressure on the corrupt NRA.

The NRA’s malice doesn’t stop in New York: their culture of corruption has traveled all the way to Washington, where they have worked to prevent lifesaving gun safety bills from being passed. The NRA is working for the gun lobby and no one else and their pursuit of profit is contributing directly to our country’s gun violence epidemic. 

Now, the NRA manipulates the American people, fear-mongering and race-baiting the public to push gun sales. This is not what the American gun owner wants. Furthermore, the NRA has looted and victimized its donor base by misusing their money and using funds for personal gain and luxury. Jim Brady called the NRA "the Evil Empire" for a reason: Wayne LaPierre and the NRA have spent millions of dollars at the expense of American lives and we are ready to stop them once and for all.

Brady represents all Americans and is working to make our country safer for its citizens, gun owning and non. The dissolution of the NRA is a huge step toward a safer America but the fight is far from over. We need to make sure the NRA is finished once and for all. 

Donate now to help Brady deal the final blow to the fraudulent and evil NRA. >>

Together, we can dissolve the NRA once and for all.

Kris Brown, President & Jon Lowy, Chief Legal Counsel


840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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