The latest Government updates
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Coronavirus update
Oldham is currently seeing an increase in the number of positive Coronavirus cases – with new cases occurring across the borough.
To try and combat this, in addition to the existing guidelines, stricter restrictions have been put in place. These mean:
* You cannot meet people from other households in your home or garden
* You cannot visit someone else’s home or garden, even if they live outside of the affected areas
* You can only go to pubs, bars and restaurants with people you live with or your support bubble
* Up to two households (or six people from a number of households) may meet outdoors in public space with social distancing
* Places of worship, shops, restaurants and other settings with strict COVID secure arrangements remain open
* Try not to share a vehicle with those outside of your household unless it is part of a school or work bubble.
We all need to do our bit to tackle coronavirus and save lives.
We’re urging you to continue to take the risk of coronavirus seriously and to comply with current guidelines. For more information on these new restrictions, visit
Where to wear a face covering
The government has significantly increased the list of places you will be required to wear a face covering, starting from tomorrow. To view the full list click here ([link removed][UNIQID]) .
Face coverings for children under 3
Please do not make your baby or child under the age of 3 wear a face covering as it is dangerous and could suffocate them. Face coverings are for adults, children over 11 and optional for children aged between 3 and 11. Also, please be understanding as not everyone is able to wear a mask.
Ad van
We're doing everything we can to spread the word that you all need to stay safe. So, this weekend you might see this van driving around the borough. If you do, take a picture and post it on your social media feeds to help us reach as many people as possible.
Arriving back to the UK from abroad
If you're travelling abroad, we recommend that you check whether you would need to self-isolate on your return to the UK as the government has increased the number of countries on the travel corridor list. This information is available here ([link removed][UNIQID]#countries-and-territories-with-no-self-isolation-requirement-on-arrival-in-england) .
The latest data
We are now able to publish additional information relating to Coronavirus in Oldham. This includes specific ward data, testing data, ethnicity, age and gender.
For the latest weekly figures, visit
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SOS Oldham
The COVID-19 outbreak has and is still placing massive pressure on services provided by both Oldham Council and the NHS. Despite further government funding being announced, it is not enough to fully support Oldham residents.
So, we are relying on you to sign our letter to the government to petition for fairer funding as a way of saying thank you to those who have worked tirelessly to look after others such as care workers, waste disposal teams, emergency helpline operators and more.
Please sign our letter here. Thank you. ([link removed][UNIQID])
For more information and advice about council services, visit
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Oldham Council . Civic Centre . West Street . Oldham, OL1 1UT . United Kingdom