
Yesterday, the New York Attorney General filed a lawsuit to dissolve the NRA. For years, their leaders have financially enriched themselves as they contributed to America’s gun violence epidemic.

Pennsylvania has been in their sights for years. When Lancaster enacted a law requiring individuals to report their lost or stolen firearm, the NRA sued the city and then-Mayor Rick Gray. They tried to bully cities into abandoned common-sense gun safety laws. 

And when they lost in court, they pushed legislation to financially beat cities into submission.

But, the New York Attorney General is taking the fight to them--giving us an enormous opportunity to double our efforts to push solutions.  

A generous donor has stepped up to match any contribution made this week. We can’t let this opportunity go by. Donate today.

For years the NRA has been complicit in terrorizing our nation with inaction on gun violence. And all while lining the pockets of their executives with money from the people they have misled with their dangerous propaganda. 

While all of us are victims of the NRA’s policy agenda, the people the NRA raises their money from are victims too. They have been lied to, misled, and now their money has been stolen and misused. 

But this all may be coming to an end. Now the Attorney General James has filed this lawsuit they are on the ropes. That means now is the perfect time to go all in to defeat their dangerous agenda. 

Right now you can DOUBLE your impact by making a donation that will help us defeat them for good.

We know with allies like you and Attorney General Tish James, we can finally make the NRA a thing of the past. 

Adam Garber
CeaseFire Pennsylvania Executive Director

P.O. Box 60095
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
[email protected]

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