Friday, August 7th, 2020

The American History You’re Not Supposed To Know

Thomas DiLorenzo

The Pharmaceutical Narrative Is Failing

And a group of doctors is helping push it over the edge. Bretigne Shaffer

Will Trump Have Cities Named for Him & Monuments Built for Him?

Allan Stevo

The Recent Corruptions of the English Language

Doug Casey

A Lefty Politician Wants To Get Rid of History Class. He’s Right.

Ryan McMaken

Biden’s Game Plan—Take No Risks & Run Out the Clock

Patrick J. Buchanan

A Related Double-Header Today

Paul Craig Roberts

Gold at $2k+. So Why the Fuss?

Alasdair Macleod

The US Bombed Japan in 1945 To Demonstrate Its Power to the USSR

Intimidation, not deterrence was, is and always will be the goal. Scott Ritter

COVID: How Self-Entitled Frauds at Imperial College Changed the World

Jon Rappoport

The Pentagon’s New UFO Disclosures: 75 Years of MK Ultra Psy Ops

Matthew J.L. Ehret

Fermented Foods May Lower Your Risk of COVID-19 Death

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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