People across the nation are chipping in to elect Democrats who USE THEIR NY Attorney General Letticia James, who filed suit to dissolve the NRA today! And Alex Morse, running against the Democratic Congressman who refused to subpoena Trump's tax returns. He had the power and refused to use it. Please support them here! -- The PCCC Team


HUGE! NY Attorney General Letitia James just announced a lawsuit exposing massive NRA financial fraud -- and asked the courts to "dissolve the NRA in its entirety."

She accused Wayne LaPierre as using the NRA as a personal piggy bank, taking lavish vacations, and lying to New York about it.

We need to get her back -- and elect MORE Democrats who actually USE their power to secure justice.

In stark contrast to Letitia James, Massachusetts Congressman Richie Neal controls a powerful committee that could have requested Donald Trump's tax returns to expose similar fraud. He dragged his feet for a long time.

When other House Democrats tried to get the IRS to offer a free tax filing software, Richie Neal gutted it after taking campaign donations from H&R Block and TurboTax. He has consistently opposed Medicare For All after getting campaign donations from Big Insurance.

On issue after issue, Neal fails to use his power. And now, finally, he has a progressive challenger -- Alex Morse. The election's in just a few weeks.

Can you donate $3 to NY AG Letitia James' next re-election campaign and $3 to Alex Morse to boot Richie Neal from office?

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Elections Team





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