John —

We’ve been talking a lot about Pervis Payne lately, and that’s because his life hangs in the balance. The State of Tennessee is set to execute him on December 3, despite concerns about his innocence, the fact that he lives with an intellectual disability, and his racially charged prosecution.

It’s on people like us to make as much noise as possible by spreading the word about Pervis’ story and raising awareness about his case. We saw a court in Texas stop the execution of Rodney Reed after a huge outcry from the public — we know that the more people speak out, the harder it is to ignore what we’re saying.

And the more people who hear about the injustices in this case, the more people will join us in fighting for Pervis.

So if you haven’t already, sign this petition and join thousands of others going on the record in opposition of Pervis' execution, and then share it with your friends and family on social media.


Alicia Maule
Digital Engagement Director
Innocence Project
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The Innocence Project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.

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