From John Cornyn <>
Subject FW: Seven. Figure. Attack.
Date August 6, 2020 11:32 PM
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Did you see my email earlier? When we began this race, I told you that there
would be critical moments where I need all hands on deck...............



Did you see my email earlier? 

When we began this race, I told you that there would be critical moments where
I need all hands on deck. 

Well, friend, with a new poll showing our lead over MJ Hegar SLIPPING at the
very same time that Chuck Schumer is planning a million dollar investment to
prop her up… there is no question that THIS is one of those times.  

If we fail to respond, our numbers will continue to take a hit. 

If we let this moment pass without action, we’ll let Schumer kick us while
we’re down. 

Friend, I know I can count on you in moments like these. I knew from the very
beginning that this day would come, and that you would step up for me. 

Now that this critical moment has arrived, I’m counting on you to make a
DOUBLE MATCHED donation, which will be RUSHED to stop MJ and Schumer. Will you
chip in now?

<[link removed]>
Rush Donate $100 Now
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Rush Donate $75 Now
<[link removed]>

Rush Donate $50 Now
<[link removed]>

Rush Donate Another Amount Now
<[link removed]>

I am really hoping that when I check the donor list, I’ll see your name right
on top. 

But you’ll have to be quick, friend. If we don’t respond immediately, we’ll

Don’t forget: a double match is active! This is our time to fight back!

–John Cornyn


---------Forwarded Message Below-------





I just became aware of some very troubling news. 

Actually – two pieces of very troubling news. 

FIRST: A new poll shows our lead over MJ Hegar SLIPPING. 

SECOND: Schumer’s Democrats are responding quickly by launching a SEVEN-FIGURE
AD BUY against us!

Friend, we have entered make-or-break territory. If we fail to respond RIGHT
NOW, our lead will continue to dwindle, and Schumer will have us right where he
wants us – weakened – when he launches his multi-million dollar campaign
against us.

We can’t let Chuck Schumer and the leftist elite hit us while we’re down.
Friend, I’m counting on YOU to help us surge back. Will you make an emergency,
DOUBLE MATCHED donation right now?
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<[link removed]>
Rush Donate $100 Now
<[link removed]>

Rush Donate $75 Now
<[link removed]>

Rush Donate $50 Now
<[link removed]>

Rush Donate Another Amount Now
<[link removed]>

Friend, moments like these are when I count on you the most. 

I really need your support right now, friend. Now is NOT a good time to fall
behind. I’m counting on you to help make sure that doesn’t happen.

Can you chip in anything you can quickly?

–John Cornyn

Paid for by Texans for Senator John Cornyn

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pedaled by the left to oppose our president and replace our conservative Texas
values. Once you’re pumped up and ready to go, head over to ourvolunteer page
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... But we’d rather you stick around. Together, we can protect this great state
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