It was one year ago this week, that I announced my candidacy to be your next U.S. Representative. While many things have changed in all of our lives during the past year, the reason I am running has not changed, and that reason is simple - my children. 

When I think about Katie and Pearce, I want them to have the same opportunities in life that I did; I want them to be able to grow up safe and proud of a country where they have boundless opportunities. I want that for all of our kids. But the Democrats in Washington, D.C. want something different. They want us to have fewer freedoms and more government control over all aspects of our lives.

Since the day I entered this race, the Democrats have been targeting me and it will only get worse over the next 89 days. Nancy Pelosi and her Socialist allies have already bought over $4 million in television ads to attack me.

But I know with your support, we will defeat them and keep this district in common-sense, conservative hands! Can I count on you to contribute TODAY to help us stand up against the Democrats' attacks?
Your support keeps me going every day and without it, I would not be able to continue the fight through November. Thank you,

Beth Van Duyne