
Nearly 30 million Americans are currently collecting unemployment benefits. That’s a staggering 20 percent of our country’s workforce. And last week we learned the economy contracted by a staggering 9.5% from April through June of this year.

Thankfully, Congress passed the CARES Act back in March to provide critical assistance to families of workers who were forced out of work by the COVID pandemic. Those Americans have been able to collect an additional $600 a week in federal unemployment assistance. But, John, that lifeline expired last Friday, and the Republican-controlled Senate has failed to pass any legislation to extend those benefits.

Will you sign our petition calling on Congress to act immediately?

The grim reality is that tens of millions of Americans are unsure of how they’re going to pay the bills or put food on the table. State unemployment benefits are inadequate at best, and now that the moratorium on evictions has been lifted, countless Americans are going to suffer if Republicans in Congress don’t act.

Despite these facts, Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had the Senate take two three-day weekends last month--without taking a single vote on necessary relief legislation.

It’s time for Congress to do something. It’s time for Republicans to stop playing political games with people’s lives. Please add your name to our petition demanding more pandemic relief and extended unemployment benefits for those who need it most.

We have the ability to see everyone through this crisis, but only if we work together and only if we act.

Thank you,

Serve America