Last week, the president sent the country into a frenzy with a tweet about postponing the November 3rd election.
Let's get a couple of things straight.
- Voting by mail increases voter turnout, makes voting more accessible, and is a cost-effective way of voting. California has run successful mail-in elections for YEARS.
- In a pandemic, vote-by-mail is the safest option -- it would be irresponsible to require people to vote in person.
- The United States Constitution is beyond clear: Congress determines the time, place, and manner of federal elections -- NOT the President of the United States.
Our voting rights are under attack the week of the Voting Rights Act anniversary.
We need to defend every voter's right to safely cast their ballot this year and every year. Sign on to this petition calling for the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
President Trump's efforts to move the election when the winds are against him proves what we've known all along: He was never looking out for our best interest, only his.
That's not leadership, that's voter suppression. But this is exactly what has been happening for decades: the Voting Rights Act has been picked apart piece by piece. That is a bill that John Lewis risked his life to pass. And now, it's incumbent on all of us to make some "good trouble" and pass this bill.
This is urgent -- the election is less than 3 months away, and we are still at risk of having unfair elections. Sign the petition: Demand Congress pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
In the words of the late Congressman John Lewis and VRA champion, "The right to vote is precious and almost sacred, and one of the most important blessings of our democracy.
We must be vigilant in protecting that blessing."
In solidarity,