Today, we’re announcing our endorsement of Joe Biden to be the next President of the United States.
The world simply can’t take another four years of Donald Trump’s cruelty, chaos and corruption.
For four years, Donald Trump has undermined reproductive health programs across the United States and around the world. He has attacked reproductive freedom at every turn. He has refused to respect international human rights. He has willfully ignored the threat posed to all of us by climate change. He has weakened global health infrastructure and dismissed the seriousness of pandemics—including the one we’re all facing today. The damage he’s done is vast, but with new leadership in January, we can begin to repair it.
We need a new president who will put others ahead of himself. We need a president who understands the importance of investing in people around the world. We need a president who will fight for health, empowerment and rights for people everywhere. We need Joe Biden.
We need Joe Biden because there are at least 218 million women around the world who want to prevent or delay pregnancy, but have an unmet need for contraceptives. Sadly, that number has grown during Trump’s term as he imposed the Global Gag Rule and shifted funding to agencies that oppose birth control.
We need Joe Biden because people who rely on providers like Family Health Options Kenya have seen their access to care dramatically reduced because of Trump’s policies.
We need Joe Biden because nearly a billion people have no safe, clean water.
We need Joe Biden because 2.5 billion people do not have basic sanitation.
We need Joe Biden because nearly 800 million people are chronically undernourished.
We need Joe Biden because climate chaos is an existential threat to human society.
We need Joe Biden because too many girls around the world are denied basic education, are forced into early marriages and face other harmful practices like FGM.
We need Joe Biden because almost 300,000 women die every year from mostly preventable pregnancy related causes, and up to 31,000 girls and women die from complications of unsafe abortion.
We need Joe Biden because he understands that investments in reproductive health and family planning will help solve every one of these crises.
There are few people in public life with the experiences of Joe Biden. His life has been one of service to others even in the face of the most painful personal tragedies imaginable. His compassion is legendary and in direct contrast to Donald Trump’s cruelty. His steadiness in the face of challenges is a desperately needed change to Donald Trump’s chaos. And he promises to be a breath of fresh air after the corruption of Trump and his cronies.
Joe Biden will invest in reproductive health programs around the world. He will rescind the disgraceful Global Gag Rule that has shuttered health clinics throughout the developing world. He will restore our contribution to the United Nations Population Fund and he offers the best chance to repeal harmful restrictions on abortion care like the Helms and Hyde Amendments.
In this election our choice is clear and it is easy. It is Joe Biden. We’re proud to endorse him and we’re committed to doing whatever we can to elect him in November.
Thanks for standing with us,

Brian Dixon
Senior VP for Media and Government Relations
P.S. Our grassroots program in key electoral states has laid the groundwork for the critical 2020 election. Your support today will help us work to elect Biden and other family planning champions in November and continue our fight for reproductive rights around the world.
Population Connection Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) organization. Donations are not tax-deductible. Your gift of $10 or more enrolls you as a member.