NeW is giving conservative women a voice.
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Dear John,

Did you know this year marks the centennial of women winning the right to vote in America? On August 18, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the 19th Amendment, reaching three quarters of the states. After seven decades of fighting for the right to vote, women across America were finally victorious.  

NeW is proud to be celebrating this historic moment with several great programming opportunities for conservative women including the 2020 NeW Essay Contest, Facebook Live conversations with 19th Amendment experts, and Empowering Chats with women in the NeW Network who have experienced backlash for voicing their conservative views

One particular event we are looking forward to is hosting Senator Marsha Blackburn and her daughter, Mary Morgan Ketchel, for an enlightening discussion on the role of Tennessee in the suffrage movement and how women today can learn from the women who led the fight for the female vote. Senator Blackburn and Ketchel share about this important history in their newly released children's book, Camilla Can Vote, where they explore the lasting impact of the suffrage movement in an adorable and creative way. 

We hope you will join us for this event on Facebook Live on Tuesday, August 11 at 2:00pm EST. 

Check out more of the great events we have planned this month as we celebrate 100 years of women voting in America! 

Upcoming Events

Meet the Authors: Senator Marsha Blackburn and Mary Morgan Ketchel
Tuesday, August 11 at 2:00pm EST
Facebook Live with Senator Marsha Blackburn and Mary Morgan Ketchel, authors of
Camilla Can Vote, a children's book highlighting the history of the women's suffrage movement.

Empowering Chat: Conservative Women Vote Special
Wednesday, August 12 at 5:00pm EST
Instagram Live with Evita Duffy on her recent piece
"I Am the IOP Whiteboard Girl"

Empowering Chat: Conservative Women Vote Special
Wednesday, August 19 at 5:00pm EST
Instagram Live with Margaret Reid, NeW alumna and She's Conservative contributor

The Impact of the 19th Amendment
Tuesday, August 25 at 2:00pm EST
Facebook Live with Olivia Perez-Cubas, Communications Director for Winning for Women

It is a privilege to honor this historic moment and to empower conservative women across the country, reminding them that their vote and their voice is just as important today as it was 100 years ago. 


Kathryn Alford
Communications Manager for NeW
Giving Conservative Women A Voice
This month as we celebrate the centennial of women winning the right to vote, NeW is giving conservative women an opportunity to reflect on this historic moment through the 2020 NeW Essay Contest. High school seniors and college women are invited to write about how the women's suffrage movement made a lasting impact on America for the chance to win a $500 scholarship.

This year's contest is co-sponsored by the Washington Examiner where the winning essays will be published. 

Know a young woman who would appreciate the chance to write about this topic? Share it with them today. The Essay Contest is now open and receiving submissions. In 600-750 words, women will be asked to respond to one or more questions in the following prompt and submit their essays here.
Women in America won the right to vote 100 years ago this month. Why is this historic moment worth celebrating? As women today, how can we ensure the women who fought for this right are never forgotten? Why is it important today that women are active in the political process and vote?
NeW Chapters

We are elated to announce we have new chapters starting at Colorado State University and Principia College this fall. Join us in welcoming these women to the NeW community.
Internship Spotlight
NeW is proud to highlight the great internship opportunities NeW women are experiencing in the workplace. Jordan Davidson, recent NeW at Baylor University alumna and former NeW Student Media Fellow, is an intern with The Federalist this summer. Learn more about her summer internship:

How does this internship help set you up for your career dreams?

"My time in the National Journalism Center and at the The Federalist has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Not only have I learned so much about what it means to be a responsible, well-written journalist, but I’ve also had the opportunity to connect with so many wonderful people in the journalism field. Because of this internship, I have gained the experience and connections I need to move forward with a career in political and investigate journalism."
How has your experience with NeW prepared you for this role? 

"My time in the NeW Student Media Fellowship was especially helpful because it allowed me the opportunity to build my multimedia and journalism skills. Because of NeW, I had opportunities to connect and work with people and organizations I never knew I could."
Conservative Women Vote

With the election fast approaching, young conservative women are growing increasingly worried about the backlash they will face on campus for sharing they are conservative. That is why NeW provides a community for these women where they can connect with other like-minded women and find the support they need to be bold on campus. This month, we are excited to remind young women that "Conservative Women Vote" and that this is something to be proud of. Will you join us in empowering young conservative women and providing this essential community for them?

Your donation of $300 will provide a set of She's Conservative books to a chapter.

Your donation of $500 will provide a set of "Conservative Women Vote" shirts for a chapter. 

Your donation of $1,000 will support a campus speaker event with an empowering female leader that will promote intellectual diversity on campus.

Empower These Women Today
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