Tell Congress:
"While Pharma companies get billions in taxpayer money to find a COVID-19 vaccine, insiders at Kodak received windfalls from a sweetheart deal from the Federal Government. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is already investigating Kodak. It’s time for Congress to hold its own hearings on the Kodak scandal — and investigate who else is engaging in insider trading on COVID."
Remember Kodak? The iconic manufacturer of celluloid film was teetering near bankruptcy―then their stock mysteriously started shooting up! Just days later, the corporation announced that it was pivoting to pharma manufacturing with a $765 million loan from the federal government!
It turns out that the stock started inflating just after Kodak gave its CEO stock options, which ballooned in value to $50 million within 48 hours!
This kind of open corruption must not be allowed to go unchallenged. Government vaccine funds should be used to save lives, not to enable insider trading by greedy pharma executives.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is investigating Kodak. A member of the COVID-19 Congressional Oversight Commission said "This loan seems like a highly questionable use of public money and raises questions about self-dealing and insider trading,"
ADD YOUR NAME: We need Congress to investigate if anyone within the government engaged in insider trading too!
The hunt for a COVID vaccine should not be an opportunity for profiteering. Drug companies haven’t promised that COVID vaccines or treatments will be affordable. At the same time, executives are apparently stuffing their pockets at with our taxpayer dollars.
Nearly 160,000 Americans have already died from COVID-19. Congress must provide more oversight of the vaccine development program. The CEO of Kodak should be testifying in Congressional hearings.
In a time of massive inequality, it is obscene that these executives are exploiting these government partnerships for personal enrichment. Congress needs to make sure that this taxpayer money will actually result in a vaccine, that Americans will be able to access that vaccine, and that this effort will not be exploited by insiders for personal gain.
Tell Congress: Investigate Kodak! Make the CEO of Kodak testify in hearings!
Alex Lawson Drug Prices Are Too High