This is our last chance and just 2 minutes of your time today could make the difference. Will you call your Senators and demand funding for safe and secure voting options in the stimulus bill?

Here’s why Americans need your help:
The Problem: States need funding to train younger poll workers, purchase masks and sanitizing equipment for polling locations, and prepare for the surge of mail-in ballots. If we don't act now, voters will be forced to stand in crowded lines for hours, polling booths will be located in poorly-ventilated buildings, a breeding ground for the virus, and millions of Americans will be forced to choose between their right to vote and their health.
The Solution: Congress can include critical funding for safety measures in the stimulus package – protecting everyone's right to vote safely this November.
What you can do: Call your Senators TODAY to demand they protect the election and American lives. Then, forward this email to 3 friends and ask them to call as well.
Why now: The deadline for Congress to pass the next stimulus package is tomorrow, and states need enough funding now to properly prepare for a safe, secure election in November. After thousands of you called and sent messages, the Senate finally budged from their original plan to do nothing to make voting safe. But the latest proposals still lack enough funding. We have their attention; now it’s time to turn up the heat.
Thank you for fighting to protect our elections.
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs
P.S. If you can’t call right now, make an emergency donation to fund voter education and calls to the Senate.  |