
Just weeks before my Senate Judiciary Committee started to investigate the abuse of power by the FBI and the Obama Justice Department, a group of Democrat campaign operatives formed a new Super PAC, "Lindsey Must Go," and launched their first wave of attack ads against me.

And I'm sure it's not a coincidence that my opponent was the first federal candidate in the entire country to receive a contribution from Hillary Clinton's PAC. After all, he called Hillary his "mentor and role model."

Hollywood celebrities aren't just posting nasty comments about me on social media – they are contributing to my Democrat opponent at a record pace. In fact, nearly $1 out of every $5 he has raised comes from California. And 93% of his donors reside outside of South Carolina.

John, in order to level the playing field, I must ask for contributions of $10 $25, $50, or $100 from friends like you!

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You know exactly what will happen if the Democrats defeat me and seize total control of our federal government.

First off, there won't be anyone to hold them accountable when they target their political opponents.

There won't be anyone to stop them from raising your taxes or implementing their Medicare-for-All healthcare scheme. There won't be anyone preventing them from expanding the judiciary to pack the courts with activist liberal judges.

If they win, they'll place drastic restrictions on your Second Amendment rights, open our borders, defund the Department of Homeland Security (and maybe even your local police), weaken our military, and make more concessions to China.

And let's not forget that less than a year ago, some Democrats were actually calling for the legalization of abortion up until the moment of birth.

I can't predict the future, but I can guarantee you this: the moment I receive your contribution of $10 or more, I'll put it to work immediately to fight the radical left and their desperate effort to take me down and seize control of our nation.

John, I am counting on you. Let's make these next 89 days count!


Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham

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