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"The SNP's Hate Crime Bill seems to have created a rare consensus in Scotland, with just about everybody agreeing that it is at best naïve and at worst plain
The secretary of state for education has appointed The Keys Academy Trust to run a new school in Embrook. The Keys Academy Trust, which already runs nine
other primaries in the borough, is a Church of England multi-academy trust.
Three people accused of hanging LGBT rainbow flags off statues in Warsaw have been arrested and charged. Polish police charged them with desecrating
monuments and 'offending religious feelings'.
Nobel literature laureate writes letter of solidarity marking Bala's 100th day in detention, saying his supporters 'will not rest until you are free and
A large digital billboard in Times Square is displaying images of a Hindu deity and a temple being built on disputed ground in India, despite calls from a
coalition of advocacy organisations asking advertisers not to show the images.
The video a detained model, along with a number of accompanying text messages, together provide a chilling and extremely rare first-hand account of China's
highly secure and secretive detention system - sent directly from the inside.
"Perhaps now more than ever, the conditions are ripe for Iran's silent majority to move beyond the endless squabbles of warring opposition camps in exile
and—for the first time since the 1979 revolution—unite against the ruling theocracy."
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