Klayman Filed These Suits for Laura Loomer!
By Rachel Alexander
The Stream
August 29, 2019
Big tech, it's notorious. For what? For banning and suspending people on the right. These supposedly objective platforms have a clear political agenda. And it's not friendly to conservatism.
One person refusing to take this prejudice lying down is investigative journalist Laura Loomer. She recently filed a lawsuit against Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter for conspiring to silence her political views.
She has been banned from, you won't believe this. From Twitter. And Facebook. And Instagram. And Periscope, PayPal, Venmo, GoFundMe, Chase Bank, Lyft, Medium, TeeSpring, Uber, and Uber Eats. Uber Eats? Really? They banned her, she says, mostly for her critical statements about Islam. She refers to herself as "the most banned woman in the world."
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