At 8.15am on August 6th 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. 75 years later, the threat posed by nuclear weapons is graver than ever.
Dear Friend,

It is exactly 75 years ago to the day that the atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children.

Some were vaporised instantly. Others were crushed by debris, burned by unimaginable heat, or suffocated by the lack of oxygen. Still others suffered lingering, painful deaths from injuries or the terrible illnesses caused by radiation.

The level of suffering endured by the victims of the bombing is almost unimaginable. But as the events of 1945 move further into the past, the horrors endured - and the terrible dangers posed by nuclear weapons - are in danger of being forgotten.
Aerial photographs of the ciy of Hiroshima, before and after the bombing
Today, there are 14,000 nuclear weapons that threaten our survival - and each is many more times powerful than the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima.

However, the majority of people - and an increasing number of states - support an international ban on the development, use and possession of nuclear weapons.

Ordinary people all over the world want to see nuclear weapons abolished for good, so the horrors of Hiroshima are never witnessed again.

CND campaigns tirelessly to realise this goal. Join us as a member, and add your voice to the millions who want a world without nuclear weapons.
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Together, we can ensure that Hiroshima is never forgotten. Together, we can win a nuclear-free world.

In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary

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