The latest poll in our race has our Republican opponent within single digits of our campaign, while Mitch McConnell’s right-wing donor network spends an outrageous sum of money to attack John Hickenlooper with misleading ads.

But, there’s good news:

Despite the $9 million they’ve spent attacking us, our lead is holding. We’re in a strong position to flip this seat and take back the Senate in November.

We cannot take anything for granted, however. John isn’t taking a cent from corporate PACs, which means our team is fueled by grassroots donations from folks like you.

To put Democrats one important step closer to flipping the Senate, we need a whole lot of people like you to make a contribution to our campaign today:

Can you donate any amount today? Your support would ensure we have the money to fight back against Republican attacks. Every donation makes a real difference in a close race:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Democrats cannot win the Senate without winning in Colorado, which is why your donation is so important right now.

Thanks for all you do.

— Team Hick