
Tonight is Debate Night!

Seth faced off today against his two primary opponents for the second time ahead of his September 1st primary for the Massachusetts’ 6th District in a conversation recorded on Zoom. It’s scheduled to be posted tonight at 7pm.

You can tune in with us to watch the debate with us here:

In the last debate, held on Sunday evening, Seth talked about delivering results for the residents of the Sixth District, standing up for racial justice, and providing support for struggling families and businesses. He made it crystal clear that he’s the leader that we need representing our district in Congress, based on his proven track record and his agenda for the future.

We’ve set an ambitious one-day goal of raising $5,000 by the time the debate is over airing this evening. Can you chip in and help us hit our goal? We really want to show Seth we have his back.

Thank you!

Matt Chilliak
Campaign Manager
Moulton for Congress