Aug 10
Situational Awareness (Tarrant)
Aug 11
Situational Awareness (Denton)
Sep 14
Prepping For
Next Session: partners in
the battle
Sep 15
Denton hosts
Prepping For Next Session:
partners in
Oct 12
Prepping For
Next Session: Tinderholt
& Malone
Oct 13
Denton hosts
Prepping for Next
Session: Tinderholt
& Malone
Nov 9
Prepping For
Next Session:
Empower Texans
Nov 10
Denton hosts
Prepping For
Next Session: Empower Texans
Dec 14
Christmas Party
Jan 11
Pastors Panel
Jan 12
Denton hosts
Pastors Panel
Feb 8
Potluck and Game Night (Tarrant)
We meet the 2nd Monday of every month at
6000 Hawk Ave, NRH
and the second Tuesdays of every month
in Denton County
5:30 - Prayer meeting
5:45 - $5 dinner while it lasts
6:30 - Meeting begins
8:00 - Meeting ends
We also have group dinners at various
restaurants in the area on the 4th Tuesday
of most months.
Watch the calendar!
Dear friends,
For about the past 6 months I've felt a persistent nagging I couldn't
shake. I wanted to bring in a guest speaker to revisit the importance of
being prepared for an emergency situation ("prepping"). Then Fred
brought it up, too, so I knew it needed to happen. Problem was our True
Texas Project calendar was already booked out for the next year, and I
couldn't find anywhere to squeeze it in. More and more people were
asking about it. When our August speaker cancelled, I thought,
"Heh...funny how God works these things out," and I started looking for
a speaker. I went through 5 or 6 speakers...all of them wanted to do
it, but the date didn't work. I was about to give up when Fred said we
need to take it a step further...not just helping people learn to prep
within their own homes, but prepping as a community. One man alone in
his house with beans and ammo won't be all that effective. A community
working together, sharing intelligence, coming to each other's
aid...that's what's needed. So we invited an expert that covers this
very thing, and he accepted immediately. We feel so very strongly about
the need for YOU to be there. Please try to make one of our 2 meetings.
Julie McCarty, CEO
Let’s face it… things in America are not what they used to be. With
riots and chaos, you are never sure what to expect, and that can be
downright scary — even in suburbia. Alleviate some of those fears by
being aware of your surroundings and knowing in advance what your
options are. Both of our speakers can help you navigate that.
Here’s a blurb from something our main speaker wrote on his blog. It might intrigue you!
Chances are good that you and I have a
lot in common. We’re both concerned about the future of this country.
Natural disasters, a financial crisis, economic decline, disruption to
the power grid, a pandemic, political violence, a full-on Boogaloo… the
list goes on and on. From a risk and intelligence perspective, all of
these are very valid concerns. Americans purchase and acquire a lot of
things in order to prepare for these events, but information is often overlooked as a critical component of preparedness. I’m here right now to convince you of one thing: the absolute need for localized intelligence when any of these events occur. The stuff you own isn’t going to produce intelligence for you. No amount of
beans, bullets, and band-aids will allow you to collect real-time
intelligence during an emergency. No amount of beans, bullets, and
band-aids will reduce your uncertainty about what happens in the
future. No amount of beans, bullets, and band-aids can drive your
decision-making during an emergency. Only intelligence can do that.
Only intelligence can give you a more accurate picture of what’s
happening now and a more accurate expectation of what could happen in
the future. And when we have accurate expectations of the future, we
can be better prepared. So what’s the best way to get started with local intelligence? The Area Study.
Read the rest of this blog post here, and listen to our speaker in person at our August meetings in Tarrant and Denton Counties!
True Texas Project
Speaker: Samuel Culper of Forward Observer
Secondary Speaker: Robert Beverly
Monday, Aug 10, 2020
Colleyville Center, 5301 Riverwalk Dr, Colleyville
5:30-6:00pm – prayer meeting (open to all)
5:45pm – $5 dinner opens (first come, first served)
6:30-8:00pm – meeting
Need childcare? It’s free. Sign up 48hrs in advance by emailing
[email protected].
Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020
Castle Hills Community Center –2501 Queen Margaret Drive, Lewisville
5:45-6:00pm – prayer meeting (open to all)
5:45pm – $5 dinner opens (first come, first served)
6:30-8:00pm – meeting
All patriots are welcome to either meeting.
Come as you are!
No dues. No fees. No memberships. No RSVPs.
Coming in late? No worries. We’ll save you a seat.
About Samuel Culper:
Samuel Culper is a former Intelligence NCO and contractor. With over a
decade of intelligence experience, including three years deployed to
Iraq and Afghanistan, he’s now the CEO of Forward Observer, an
intelligence services company specializing in risk intelligence and
conflict monitoring. Samuel is also the principal for the Fox
Intelligence Group, an intelligence training company.
About Robert Beverly:
up in Texas, Robert Beverly has always exhibited a true Texan’s desire
to put his country first, bringing his impressive creativity and
technical skills to bear in his work.
served his country in the US Air Force. After his discharge in the
’80’s, he moved to Arlington and pursued a degree in engineering from
UTA. Upon completion of his studies, he formed a design/development
company, Intaglio Composites. His body of work focuses on blending
imagination and creativity with his strong background in material
science and technology; work that has earned him accolades both
nationally and internationally. His creations exhibit a mastery of
traditional techniques that date back to the Dark Ages, as well bringing
to bear new processes he’s developed in photoengraved aluminum, glass
and concrete products.
his professional career Robert has long been concerned about the
political discourse in the nation. His service and professional
experience coupled with his desire to do his part to keep our country
strong and protect our fundamental freedoms and liberties.
witnessing firsthand some of the excesses a government unfettered by
the rule of law can bring, Robert began to study Constitutional law, and
forge an understanding of the proper role every citizen should take to
defend this nation from all enemies, both abroad and domestic. He
studied ways that the average citizen can defend themselves and found an
unmet need for an organization that can bridge the gap between private
citizens and public safety.
then created the first ever, not-for-profit security company: Texas
Defense Force Security, Inc., that provides training and certification
to individuals, to not only help them better serve their community and
state, but to give them the tools and legal standing to operate as
licensed security professionals on a volunteer basis. TXDF is the first
organization of its kind, and offers a way for private citizens to
prepare for emergencies in the current uncertain socio-political
climate, and provides the skills and tools needed to defend Texas and
Texans from those who would do us harm. TXDF today has 75 licensed
officers and is growing exponentially. Robert’s idea has grown into a
serious organization, authorized by the Texas Department of Public
Safety, ready, willing and able to assist in the defense and protection
of Texas.
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