Sulfide-ore copper mining near the Boundary Waters is an unacceptable risk
In May, the Trump Administration renewed 13 prospecting permits on the edge of the Boundary Waters - with no consideration of environmental impacts and no public input and despite the major risks and controversial nature of proposed sulfide-ore copper mining.
Today we’re fighting back, along with our partners at the Center for Biological Diversity and The Wilderness Society, we’re challenging this decision in court. This is now our fifth lawsuit against this project.
Join us online for a virtual town hall next Thursday, August 13 at noon CT and hear from Save the Boundary Waters Chair Becky Rom and Alison Flint, Senior Legal Director at the Wilderness Society, about how we are working together to protect the Boundary Waters from sulfide-ore copper mining.

The prospecting permits allow the Twin Metals mining company to drill holes, build roads, and do other mining exploratory work throughout more than 15,000 acres of Superior National Forest. Altogether the renewed permits extend well beyond the geographic footprint of the proposed mine and reach to the very edge of the Wilderness. The current mine proposal by Twin Metals is just a foot in the door - these prospecting permits show the potential of a significantly larger mining operation.
Today’s lawsuit is one of many actions the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters is undertaking in our battle to protect America’s most-visited Wilderness.

For the Wilderness,
Tom Landwehr
Executive Director
Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters
P.S. Reserve your spot today for our virtual town hall next Thursday, August 13, explaining our strategic, multi-pronged approach to protecting the Boundary Waters from copper mining.
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Save the Boundary Waters P.O. Box 625 Ely, MN 55731 United States