![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, I’m fearful weak-kneed Senate Republicans are about to cut a deal to try and save their own skin. According to Capitol Hill “insider” publications like Politico and The Hill, some Senate Republicans are so fearful that a failure to pass another multi-trillion dollar spending bill will damage their reelection hopes. And they are begging Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) not to recess the Senate without first striking a deal with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). This is something I saw far too often in my years in Congress: Desperate politicians (many who claim to be fiscally responsible) realize they failed to keep their promises to the voters, so they respond by asking Republican leadership to pass big-spending legislation in a desperate attempt to bribe voters to keep them in office. And too often the Republican leadership responds by cutting a bad deal with the Democrats! And the closer we get to election day, the more likely it is for the weak-kneed politicians to cave in. The Democrats are so confident that Sen. McConnell will give in that they have actually upped their demand to $3.4 TRILLION. . . Including billions of dollars on a “national strategy” to implement a coronavirus spending plan. . . complete with H.R. 6666-style “contact testing” and tracing. That’s why you and I must keep the pressure on Senator McConnell and the rest of the Senate to make sure they hear loud and clear: We do not want another multi-trillion-dollar spending bill. . . . And especially not one that gives new powers to invade our privacy and control our lives, all in the name of “protecting our health.” So please, if you have not yet done so, sign your postcard to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and your U.S. Senators telling them to oppose any new coronavirus spending bill. Then, forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to sign as well. And please make your most generous donation of $50, $25, or $10 to help Campaign for Liberty mobilize more Americans against these spending schemes. Senator McConnell would have likely already reached a deal with Rep. Pelosi and Senator Schumer were it not for the efforts of liberty-loving Americans like you. . . Americans who recognize the real threats to our future is the skyrocketing national debt and the mad rush to take away more of our liberties and freedoms. Thanks to your efforts, we have sent thousands and thousands of postcards to Senator McConnell and your U.S. Senators. But with more Republicans panicking and demanding that McConnell cut a deal -- any deal -- with Democrats, you and I need to flood his office and that of every other senator with even more postcards so they know a deal is not acceptable. So please sign your postcard immediately. And please make a generous contribution of $50, $25, or $10 to help Campaign for Liberty stop the coronavirus “stimulus” spending frenzy bill today. Let’s tell our senators it’s time to stop the “CORONA-Y-ISM” slush funds! You and I both know it’s not just other politicians pressuring Senator McConnell and other weak-kneed Republicans to cut a deal. The special interests and fat cat cronies hoping to benefit from another round of “stimulus” spending are out in force. Many companies hope to rake in millions (or even billions) from government mandates creating a “digital certificate” that will prove you have immunity from COVID-19. This could force Americans to receive a potentially dangerous vaccine in order to live a “free” life. So please, if you have not done so yet, sign your postcard to Senator McConnell and your U.S. Senators today, demanding no more “CORONA-Y-ISM” bailouts. And be sure to forward this email to your family and friends. And please make your most generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty keep up the pressure to stop the spending spree. In Liberty, Ron Paul Chairman |