Dear John,

The El Dorado County Democratic Party has launched an ambitious campaign to support endorsed Democratic candidates in local, state and national races. The EDC Democratic Party is an entirely volunteer organization with no paid staff and relies entirely on volunteer efforts. 
With the most important election of our lifetimes fast approaching, we need all hands on deck to win on November 3. None of us wants to wake up on Nov. 4th and realize that we lost this election by failing to do everything possible to win.  We invite you to join our efforts by completing this volunteer survey.

Two weeks ago, we launched a personalized letter writing GOTV project. We urgently need extra volunteers to complete this project by August 30th. To help with this project, indicate your interest on the volunteer survey form and/or email Sue Gamache at [email protected].

Thank you for being a volunteer!

Frank Porter, Vice Chair, Campaign Services
Karla Meadows, Volunteer Coordinator
Johanne Christmas, Volunteer Coordinator
Terry Fagan, Chair, Data Research Team

El Dorado County Democratic Party

(Paid for by the El Dorado County Democratic Party.  FEC # C00483412 /FPPC# 781341 )
El Dorado County Democratic Party, P.O. Box 1126, Diamond Springs, CA 95619
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