Also Inside: New Results from IPA's RECOVR Surveys in Colombia, Ghana, and Sierra Leone.
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Supporting the Most Vulnerable Amid the Risk of Returning to Poverty: What the RECOVR Survey Tells Us about Pandemic Response in Colombia

By Sebastian Chaskel and Kyle Holloway

By swiftly enacting a national lockdown and sticking with it until a slow and partial reopening in June, Colombia has so far been spared the high COVID-19 infection rate and the related death toll of some of its neighbors like Brazil and Peru. While the restrictions to movement and gatherings protected the health system and saved lives, the economic impact of these restrictions has been felt across Colombian households. In May, IPA ran a nationwide RECOVR Survey of 1,500 households in partnership with Colombia’s National Planning Department (DNP), providing insights into how dire the situation has been in the past few months.

Read more in the full blog post.


Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 in a Fragile State: Key Findings from the RECOVR Sierra Leone Survey

By John Branch, Shahana Hirji, Andreas Holzinger, Amara Kallon, and Shana Warren

Like most countries, Sierra Leone has made drastic changes to everyday life to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Schools closed on March 31, and the country instituted a pair of national lockdowns from April 5-7 and May 3-5. Land borders were entirely closed from late March to June, and a national mask mandate began on June 1. Amid these policy efforts, IPA ran the first round of our RECOVR survey in Sierra Leone from May 27 to June 19. Conducted to inform the policy efforts of the Ministry of Health and the Bank of Sierra Leone, we surveyed 1,304 respondents about a range of health, economic, and education outcomes using random digit dialing, making them statistically representative of the set of active mobile phone numbers held by adults in Sierra Leone. A large percentage of these respondents are urban residents of the capital district. This blog post summarizes the key findings and their policy implications.

Read more in the full blog post and watch the webinar here.


How Ghanaians are Coping With COVID-19: Five Lessons from the RECOVR Survey

By Charles Amoatey, Elliott Collins, and Madeleen Husselman

Like most West African countries, Ghana has avoided the worst of the virus’s health toll, but losses in employment, business slowdowns, interrupted education, and food insecurity threaten to have both short- and long-term consequences. IPA has been working with a host of government partners—the Ghana Statistical Service; Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection; Ministry of Education; Ghana Education Service; and National Board of Small Scale Industries—to understand what data decision-makers need to respond effectively to the pandemic’s wide-ranging impacts. In May, IPA ran the RECOVR survey of 1,357 respondents, revealing among other findings that the economic fallout of COVID-19 is already having sharp, adverse effects on food security.

Read more in the full blog post and watch the webinar here.


IPA’s Cautious Approach to Restarting In-Person Research
By Annie Duflo, Steven Glazerman, and Bruce Hickling


La Silla Vacia

Dhaka Tribune

University of Michigan
L'Economiste du Faso
La Silla Vacía on COVID-19 and Unemployment in Colombia

Civil Society Groups Helping Fight the Pandemic

Interview with Dean Yang on Social Distancing Research in Mozambique

Include Recaps Ghana RECOVR Survey Webinar



IPA's Steven Glazerman Presents on Best Practices for Cross-National COVID-19 Phone Surveys
July 30 | Webinar, United States

IPA Trains Government Officials from Libya, Niger, and Mali on Impact Evaluations
July 28 | Webinar, Italy

Informing Policy on COVID-19 with Rapid Data: Results and Responses from the RECOVR Survey in Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire
July 27 | Webinar, United States

IPA Myanmar Co-Hosts Lecture on Solar Energy
July 23 | Webinar, Myanmar

Informing Policy on COVID-19 with Rapid Data in Sierra Leone and Liberia
July 23 | Webinar, United States

Using Data to Guide Decision-Making During COVID-19: The Experience of Peru’s Ministry of Education
July 14 | Webinar, United States

Cash Transfers for COVID-19 Relief
July 14 | Webinar, United States

Microfinance and COVID-19 in Pakistan: What Happens After Lockdown?
July 8 | Webinar, United States

Informing Policy on COVID-19 with Rapid Data: Results and Responses from the RECOVR Survey in Ghana
July 2 | Webinar, United States

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